Kill The State Department?

Some thoughts. I think that several departments and agencies should be razed, and be rebuilt from the ground up (if they need to be replaced at all). State is an essential department, but it does need a complete overhaul. Same thing with the CIA, which would be disbanded, and replaced with something else. Over course, the departments of Education and Labor should be simply eliminated.

5 thoughts on “Kill The State Department?”

  1. Don’t forget Agriculture!

    Actually, a Dept. of Labor that protected the freedom of American citizens to enter into contracts for employment from state law restrictions would be a very useful Federal entity.

    Similarly, a Department of Education that amounts to one guy writing voucher checks to students would be something I could support.

  2. Brock: That version of Dept. of Education is still unconstitutional, since Congress still lacks any enumerated power to do that.

    It’d be a lot less wasteful, though, I’ll grant. Better to have a machine printing them, honestly.

  3. Some Russians I met always thought the CIA was a cover for a “real” intelligence organization. Be nice if that were so.

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