10 thoughts on “What A Disappointment”

  1. Not to mention that their promises appear to be predicated not on the economics that we are familiar with, but rather an entirely novel set of economic principles and relationships to which they alone are privy.

    Presumably it’s the lack of elaboration on these wondrous new discoveries that has doomed his Nobel chances. Publish or perish, Obama, publish or perish.

  2. Building on Peter’s premise of a new form of economic theory, perhaps Mr. Obama and co. have discovered/created a new field of mathematics as well. This too would deserve its own Nobel prize.

  3. This too would deserve its own Nobel prize.

    We’d have to reinterpret Nobel’s wishes on the subject. But I’m 100% confident he wasn’t really serious about prohibiting Nobel prizes in math. It’s just a matter of realizing what he really meant, not what he said! It’d be an international crime to prevent Obama from getting his rightful Nobel prize in math. We probably ought to create more Nobel prize categories, so that The One can win more of them.

  4. The Nobel Peace Prize is selected by a 5-man committee of Norwegian politicians. The technical Nobels are selected by committees of scientists/professionals in those fields. Hence it’s much less likely that one of those will be awarded solely on the basis of politics.

  5. Well, most of the committee for the Nobel Peace prize has spoken out. They liked his moves in the Middle East and the scuttling of the anti-missile shield in Eastern Europe. That’s why he got it apparently.

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