The Eightieth Anniversary

I just realized that it was eighty years ago that the stock-market crash occurred, setting off the initial recession that Hoover and Roosevelt turned into the Great Depression. And we don’t seem to have learned the lesson. In fact, George Soros is spending millions to ensure that we don’t. Thanks, George!

[Update a few minutes later]

A little relevant history.

3 thoughts on “The Eightieth Anniversary”

  1. Did it ever occur to Soros that he could just be giving all that money to poor people? More evidence that expanding the power of the State, and not amelioration, is the real driving force between what we mistakenly call “liberalism.”

  2. Great. The formation of another think tank to push some narrow agenda. We don’t have enough of those. And Jim (the one that kept harping for a while on the reputation, such as it was, of economists who support Obama policies), here’s some more evidence that the sayings of economists should always be taken with a grain of salt. Who really thinks Soros is doing anything other than buying an opinion?

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