6 thoughts on “Smarter, Not Bigger Stimulus”

  1. I just read it, following a link posted by a Facebook friend. I thought it was dandy, and reposted it on my wall.

    I have a hard time keeping up with PJTV, what with all the other stuff I read, and I hadn’t noticed your stuff there till this. Have you done anything in the “TV” portion?

  2. PJTV is separate (though part of) PJM. I’ve been writing stuff for PJM for a couple years, but I’ve never done any PJTV. I will be getting together with Bill Whittle in the next few days, though.

  3. The Gini coefficient (disparity between rich and poor) has been steadily increasing in the US over the past couple of decades. This is probably not a good thing, but probably infers not so much a lack of the government stealing from the rich and giving to the poor but an excess of the government stealing from the middle class (or piling more bureaucratic costs upon them). Governments spending more money to redress cross subsidies that their policies originally created.

    One wonders if the Gini coefficient would increase or decrease with less government interference, I expect the left would argue the former, the right the latter. Assuming the enforcement of anti trust laws, I would probably argue the latter. But an increasing Gini Coefficient is probably one of the reasons for the swing to the left in recent years.

  4. I will be getting together with Bill Whittle in the next few days, though.

    Now that will be interesting. I guess that’s another perk to being back in California?

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