3 thoughts on “An Evil Right-Wing Attack On Obamacare”

  1. It may be hard to believe if you’re used to Fox News, but the “liberal” media does not march in lockstep.

    The NPR/This American Life episodes on health care are excellent, and I highly recommend them (especially the story “Dartmouth Atlas Shrugged”). But I wouldn’t call them an attack on “Obamacare”. For example, Princeton economist Uwe Reinhardt, who is quoted (in the story “Sorry Johnny… It’s Only Business.”) rejecting Obama’s arguments for a public plan as completely backwards, is also one of a group of prominent health care economists who released an open letter this week calling for Congress to pass the Senate Finance Committee bill.

    There are plenty of things that are wrong with health care that won’t be fixed by the reform bills before Congress. The only way to get better bills would be if those improved provisions attracted at least as many (and preferably more) votes than they lost, and those votes simply don’t exist.

  2. The chances of a giant top-down command-and-control health care law getting it right is close to zero (q.v. socialist calculation problem.) Even a few statists are bound to figure that much out, if even by random chance (q.v. stopped clocks.)

  3. Oh Jim, that’s so full of crap. The big 3 networks and CNN and MSNBC promote Obamacare to the exclusion of any other alterative. Look at the viewing statistics for them vs NPR. This is ONE show against all the other programming on those networks including NPR(Amy Goodman for one of many). They are in lock-step and their declining viewership shows how out of touch they are with the rest of the country.

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