Smart Diplomacy?

No, chump diplomacy:

Oh, how the international community loves Barack Obama — loves to stiff him, play him along, and manipulate him. He’s the world’s celebrity ingenue, the slender naïf perpetually undone by the recalcitrance of foreign leaders.

…Democrats spent years banging on Bush for alienating our allies. What they really meant was that he hadn’t been nice enough to our enemies. Reversing field entirely, Obama has been hell on allies like Hamid Karzai and the Israelis. He’s undercut the Poles and Czechs. He’s given a cold shoulder to friends who have the temerity to want to trade with us, like the Colombians and South Koreans. He’s cooled the special relationship with Britain. And he hammered the government of Honduras when it stopped a creeping Chávezist coup by its sitting president.

It’s hard to figure out just what country he’s president of.

5 thoughts on “Smart Diplomacy?”

  1. It’s hard to figure out just what country he’s president of.

    The World.

    I think Barry would be a pretty good U.N. SecGen. Lots of talking, no responsibility or power. It’s perfect for him, really, and getting to be the figurehead of an organization that allows him to run his mouth without any fear of real consequences (because consequences only arise from actual power, or threat of power) would be what he’s trying to do anyway.

    Plus, lots of honest-to-God Commies, Fascists and Tyrants in the U.N. He’s fit into the social scene better there too.

  2. Dammit, Brock beat me to it.

    Think for a moment, Mr. Simberg, how selfish we as Americans are to keep Obama’s powers all to ourselves.

  3. I’ll echo the first 2 commenters. UN SecGen is the job for Obama. The UN has become the place to make grand proclimations and claim all sorts of good action, while actually doing nothing at all.

  4. Dick Morris has a theory that Obama is not actually President of the United States, but rather a Colonial Governor on behalf of “the world community.”

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