It’s Really Quite Simple

I think I’ve found the pseudocode for Mann’s temperature charts:

input hockey_stick array
input year_data array
For each year (1000 - 2009) {
   while (year_data_of_year less than hockey_stick_of_year) {
      if (year_data_of_year less than hockey_stick_of_year) {
         year_data_of_year += 0.1 degrees
   plot year_data_of_year

See, nothing to it. Poor Harry wouldn’t have had so much frustration if he’d just stuck with the script.

9 thoughts on “It’s Really Quite Simple”

  1. Only, shouldn’t there be a further test on whether the year is < 1450, in which case the temperature needs to be decremented in case it’s too high, rather than the reverse? You see, climate science is a complex and nuanced subject.

  2. In addition to all the blatant fudging of proxy temperatures, there has been a long, subtle trend of removing thermometer stations from the database… oddly enough, the vast mojority of them at higher and cooler altitudes. The remaining stations cluster on beaches and desert plains, and GEE WHIZ, the average temperatures go up.

    Ed SMith at dives into the ugly details, and finds a whole firing squad of smoking guns- such as

    It’s not just CRU- Hansen and NASA are in it up to their necks, and it’s very smelly, very brown stuff.

  3. Correction, it was not a long, subtle trend. GISStemp went from 1177 stations in 2006 to 134 in 2007. These bastards have their thumb blatantly on the scale.

  4. You know, you ought to propose that people post chart code in various languages. I’d particularly enjoy a LISP or Smalltalk version.

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