5 thoughts on “Islam Versus Islamism”

  1. It has been clear that our left side of the aisle obscures this distinction, too, by taking any anger directed at or criticism of Islamists as an attack on all Moslems.

  2. The Left operates under the premise of my enemy’s enemy is my friend: “Islamists hate Western society — and so do we!” The connection likely goes back to the Cold War.

  3. The connection likely goes back to the Cold War.

    Actually, if you view Nazis as a flavor of the left (as they obviously are, in most relevant aspects), it goes back to World War II, when the Mufti of Jerusalem was an ally of Hitler.

  4. I think it’s a complete fraud to say that Islam today is peaceful when it’s foundation wasn’t. I hate when I hear about another ‘radical’ when the mainstream is out dancing in the streets. Islam itself is radical and teaches it’s member to honor ‘radicals.’

    Now tell me again why Arafat was a nobel peace prize recipient?

    Muslims deserve better.

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