Don’t Panic!

Thoughts on global warming, and cooling, from JoSH:

From the perspective of the Holocene as a whole, our current hockeystick is beginning to look pretty dinky. By far the possibility I would worry about, if I were the worrying sort, would be the return to an ice age — since interglacials, over the past half million years or so, have tended to last only 10,000 years or so. And Ice ages are not conducive to agriculture.

What’s the environmental impact of the Great Lakes region being under a mile of ice?

54 thoughts on “Don’t Panic!”

  1. Bill,
    I’ll take that answer as a deflection which is the same as the usual NIMBY answer. No. You gave the stuff you WERE for, but never answered my questions.

    Personally I’m working on getting off the grid totally. Because it’s going to get less trustworthy and because I like to tinker when I need to, and blog when I want to. I’ll be able to do neither if we get rolling brown outs. And there will be brown outs if the utilities have to bend over on paying fines. They’ll cut back supply rather than raise prices.

    Mark my word, guys I know who are still in power generation are saying that’s the mindset of their companies.

  2. Let’s just eliminate all CO2 from the atmosphere.

    I agree with Ed, the AGW proponents should lead by example.

  3. Chris, suggestions that the solubility pump is near saturation are entirely speculative. And, this is not the scenario by which the IPCC is trying to shove global wealth redistribution down our throats anyway. The reason is precisely because the evidence for such a tipping mechanism is less compelling even than the evidence for moderate AGW.

  4. “However it is interesting to note that those renegade few who support a planetary gravitational influence on solar activity did anticipate a long solar cycle 23 and weak cycle 24. That is possibly an indication that those who still support the anthropogenic climate driver and minimise or ignore solar effects are in denial and research is suffering as a result.”I have been reading about what “renegades” are saying about cycle 23 and 24.I first read about the connection between the sun and the El-nino/la nina 10 years ago on the still waiting for greenhouse warming website.They are the only ones who seem to have a decent predictive ability for determining when the next El-nino would come along.

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