In Case Anyone’s Wondering

I’m renovating a house for re-rental in Golden, CO, including a kitchen remake, and two baths, one of which is essentially gutted other than tub. So all work and little blogging makes Rand a dull boy…

8 thoughts on “In Case Anyone’s Wondering”

  1. I’m renovating a house for re-rental in Golden, CO, including a kitchen remake, and two baths, one of which is essentially gutted other than tub. So all work and little blogging makes Rand a dull boy…

    Hmm… Colorado winter, all work and no play… just don’t go breaking through doors with axes shouting, “Heeere’s Johnny!” M’kay? 🙂

  2. Golly! How unobjective! Why don’t you talk about other peoples’ home renovations? It’s all about you. You must think Transterrestrial is your blog or something.

  3. I dunno, Rand. That’s four uses of the “re-” prefix in the first sentence. And then you claim not to be a mere Republican shill. Just who do you think you’re fooling?

  4. Depends on the task really. I remember last time I did renovation and I had to break walls down. It is tremendously satisfying.

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