The Cluelessness Of The Left

On florid display here. It really is hilariously stupid that anyone would think this hurts Senator-elect Brown politically. One can only believe that if one believes one’s own idiotic caricature of Republicans and conservatives.

[Update a couple minutes later]

Speaking of playing against idiotic leftist stereotypes about Christians, I am loving Sarah Elizabeth’s diary:

So, the geniuses of the Obama spin machine have decided the best way to deal with the Brown/Coakley Battle of Bunker Hill and palpable discontent among the citizenry is suddenly to market the president as a populist. Like the YouTube video of the auto-fellating walrus that was going around a couple weeks ago, this is a chance to watch a truly spectacular feat of acrobatics at work. I hope Axelrod and Gibbs try to co-opt the tea party movement so that Rachel Maddow and David Shuster are forced to find a polite way to admit the president is a tea-bagger.

…Read that Arlen Specter told Michele Bachmann to “act like a lady” during a heated radio debate. I wish she’d responded, “I’ll act like a lady if you’ll act like a man.” Alas, she’s far classier than I.

I prepare for Larry King Live later tonight. The first time I did the show a conservative colleague who shall remain nameless told me to ask Larry what it was like to interview Oliver Cromwell. Needless to say, I did not take his advice. But now it’s all I can think about whenever I’m on. I have to consciously tighten my lips around my teeth to prevent this from escaping my mouth. If you ever see me pursing my lips on that show, this is why.


2 thoughts on “The Cluelessness Of The Left”

  1. I hear Olbermann has an interview scheduled with the lotion tube from Mrs. Brown’s video. Apparently, even 26 years on, he hasn’t overcome the psychological trauma from her unwanted and unwelcome sexually-charged pinching and squeezing of him during the shoot.

  2. So, let me get this straight — the people who turn out in droves for Sarah Palin are supposed to be offended by some hot milf? Really?

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