11 thoughts on “Fox”

  1. “A generation ago you would have expected Americans to place their trust in the most neutral and unbiased conveyors of news,” said PPP President Dean Debnam in his analysis of the poll. “But the media landscape has really changed, and now they’re turning more toward the outlets that tell them what they want to hear.”

    I bet he voted for The One. Definitely suffering cranio-rectal inversion.

  2. Fox? Try watching Fox News under a critical eye sometime. It seems little more than a media circus to me. I would only watch Fox if I enjoyed watching shouting matches and bogus fixed political discussion. Better off watching Wrestlemania. At least it is entertaining.

  3. Godzilla, that’s great. I disagree with your assessment (or more accurately, your selectivity)–but so what. Me, I like to see the opinions up front, not built-in as a “feature” of a supposedly unbiased news network.

    But when a *pollster* (whose job by definition is to sort through bias to find a statistically meaningful “true” result) expresses basically the same opinion, that just knocks me out. A textbook illustration of not getting the concept. Goes straight to his credibility as a pollster, for one… how did he keep his (and presumably his organization’s) bias out of the survey questions? If he didn’t manage it, what kind of landslide result might have come out with more neutral questions?

  4. I watch Fox, but I listen to BBC radio, and I read stories from varied sources daily. Regardless of who watches whom, the devil is in the details, in this case in the devilish polling numbers. I don’t understand watching news that I don’t trust!? But I’ve got liberal friends who admit to not liking and trusting the typical MSM, but they’d rather die, than watch Fox.

    Godzilla is right, Fox has a lot of shouting matches.

    BUT, that shouting also means they’re picking a topic and letting both sides tear it apart. Fox allows dissenting voices have a say. They have and seek Liberal Pundits. The MSM TV Networks aren’t doing that. Far from it. The typical Sunday morning political show has a liberal Democrat, and then, some RINO on the other side. Other side? I used to laugh when they’d have “X” Liberal Democrat, and Arlen Specter for the Republican side. PUHlease.

    Sometimes I learn from both sides in an open, well thought out argument. Or I go scurrying to do research on one side or the other. I don’t know who goes and does that, after watching ‘news’, that agrees with and even touts their side of issues. If I’m talking to someone who believes what I do, I’m not challenged to do anything. Listening to slanted news is like that, it keeps the sheople stupid.

    I’d drop dead of shock if the Big 3 had a differing voice anymore. And since John Stossel finally got tired of working for ABC, I know of no voice on the Big 3 that isn’t a typical, Obama loving, BDS suffering, follower of liberalism.

  5. “It seems little more than a media circus to me. I would only watch Fox if I enjoyed watching shouting matches and bogus fixed political discussion.”

    Try watching the news part not the opinion shows.

  6. Fox opinion shows have “a lot of shouting matches”, but no more than the other networks opinion shows. I think Godzilla’s dislike of Fox stems from who is doing the shouting rather than the shouting itself.

    Opinion shows aside the best NEWS reporting to be had on TV today is from “Fox News Sunday” and “Special Report”.

  7. Godzilla objects to the”shouting” on Fox News. While that certainly does occur on occasion, what he/she really objects to is hearing the mainstream media’s sacrosanct liberal world view contested in any manner, something rarely heard on ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, etc.

  8. I would only watch Fox if I enjoyed watching shouting matches and bogus fixed political discussion.

    MSNBC called — your check is in the mail.

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