10 thoughts on “Ouch”

  1. …then President Obama sent one of the most respected religous figures in the world… out the kitchen door.

    Class act all the way, that Barry. Low class, that is.

  2. …politically fornicated, and set out the back door with the trash. All by the same guy who goes around apologizing for our country’s past misdeeds.

    Past misdeeds?

    Why is it that Democrats can always see someone else’s misdeeds, but are so blind to their own? Granted, the Right is pretty damned stupid sometimes too, but no one is as self-righteous as a far left Democrat.

  3. (pssst Bill, psst, that wasn’t an Obama bobblehead, it was Monk!! you can tell, because Monk’s is the one with darker skin and more hair.)

  4. Here’s the photo that was staged for the consumption of the Chinese regime, creditor of US debt issued by Obama.

    Unless the WH has more relaxed fire codes than those that apply to McDonalds, I’m quite sure those bags of “trash’ were deliberately placed there for the photo.

    Regardless, I have exclusive footage of the visit.

  5. Unless the WH has more relaxed fire codes than those that apply to McDonalds

    We should keep in mind that the White House might well have more relaxed fire and health codes than McDonalds. We can’t tell whether this is a deliberate or unintentional insult. But it’s real classy either way.

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