18 thoughts on “Bang, Bang”

  1. My present home, NC, is 13th on the list. Which I find odd.

    We have CCH, not to mention, we are an Open Carry State. Most people who used to do that now conceal as I haven’t seen anyone open carry in a few years. There are very few places with those goofy “No CARRY” signs posted. I was in the hospital last June, going in I noticed that they DID NOT have those signs. Since then I’ve noticed one other hospital is set up the same. We’re a big hunting state, lots of deer and water fowl, rabbit, squirrel also, even some bear. And the state had to shoot some wild pigs this week because there were too many. Hunters are taking them, but not enough I guess.

    If the Brady’s report card goes by JUST the laws on the books, they may have missed the point, I think.

    My home state, KY is WAY down on the list, 46th. But I know they’re true gun nuts, they allow ministers to carry concealed in church. I’ve got two family members, one’s a Deacon, who carries like that too. But after church they take the bank deposit to the night slot. Sometimes it’s several thousand dollars.

    Sounds worth protecting to me.

  2. I think you have to get a card from your local CLEO to buy a handgun in NC. I think it is vestigal from the old Jim Crow Laws.

    Brady likes Jim Crow.

  3. Va is going to pass a bunch of new pro-civil right firearms legislation this year. Mabey they can get a lower score.

    WV needs to get lower too. I will have to call my legislator with some ideas.

  4. In this case, the term “safe” means being safe from not encountering those dangerous gun toting self defense advocates. Hoplophobia is similar to homophobia, except it’s fear of people with guns. This is why the Bradybots were so fearful of concealed carry, believing that such laws would create massive shootouts. They were wrong, of course, but that still doesn’t stop their fears.

  5. Of course the “Brady Bunch” list is based on the states having anti-gun laws that make the gun grabbers feel warm and fuzzy inside, it has nothing to do with nonsensical things like facts and results.

  6. It’s very interesting how wildly the gun-control debate has turned around in the last 16 years. Anti-gun zealots in America are on the run and their supposed allies in the Democratic Party have all but abandoned them. Even the Joyce Foundation grants which are the life blood of anti-gun organizations is beginning to dry up.

    Even so, America is an isolated island of gun rights in an anti-gun world. Most disappointing is how the rest of the anglo nations have gone down the route of total bans and confiscation. The UK is a lost cause. Australia was a real surprise loss. But there is a chance Canada might halt or even reverse course.

  7. Gun Control is finally being seen for the joke that it is and its supporters are being shown for the mental and moral midgets they are.

  8. Mike P,
    in NC we do have to go to the Sher’ff to get a purchase permit. They are $5 per, and you can get five per month. That’s one per pistol. With just 1 $5 permit you can buy multiple long guns.

    The only way someone gets turned down for a purchase permit is if they are a felon, have a known drug or alcohol problem or any abuse arrests. I do know of at least one case where the Sher’ff took a CCH away from a guy who was convicted of abusing his wife. They also required him to turn in or sell all his firearms. I think he had 30 days to do that and I think family members are excluded from buying any of those guns.

    (this guy was an all-around jerk anyway, so I don’t care that he forfeited his rights, he caused it himself!!)

    Although we do have gun laws here, which I don’t like or believe in, we don’t match the kind of idiot, anti-gun, hard to get a permit or buy a gun ignorance I’ve seen elsewhere. And while we do have a mainly Democrat voting base, it’s a pick-up truck driving, country, hunting Democrat base. The elected Democrats know they’d last just until the next voting cycle if they passed NY or CA style rules. And I feel certain their replacements would be swept into the Legislature on promises to UNdo the heavy handed gun laws.

  9. Der Schtumpy,

    Yep, that permit you mention goes back to Jim Crow days, it is vestigal to that era. The purpose was to prevent ‘undesirables’ aka Blacks from buying guns. It has since been watered-down. It should have been shit-canned altogether.

    Put in place by Democrats too I might add. The therefore rascist Brady Bunch approves of it.

  10. Gun prohibition by legislation has been on the run for years in the USA, but gun prohibition by fiat is still a threat. The current administration doesn’t seem to want to spend political capital on getting the EPA or other regulatory agencies to pass anti-gun regs, but I think anything is possible after 2010, particularly if it looks like Obama will be a one-termer. Also, I think we should expect attempts at gun prohibition via the UN and treaties.

  11. “Also, I think we should expect attempts at gun prohibition via the UN and treaties.”

    You realize it takes 67 Senators to ratify a treaty?

  12. Titus,
    you and Mike P need to stop pointing out the truth about the South, Democrats, and Jim Crow. We might have a Southern Democrat wander by, or just a regular Democrat for that matter, and such truths and historically verifiable facts about Mr. Crow and Democrats makes them quite nervous.

  13. Mike makes a good point. If an executive agreement as all that was necessary, the US would be bound to the Kyoto accords…

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