So Where Are All The Editorials?

…blaming Al Gore for this?

Argentines Francisco Lotero, 56, and Miriam Coletti, 23, shot their children before killing themselves after making an apparent suicide pact over fears about global warming.

You know that if this had happened as a result of “right-wing” fear mongering (in this case, warm mongering), they’d be all over it.

5 thoughts on “So Where Are All The Editorials?”

  1. Senator James Inhofe had another story of a family that had to put their child into therapy because he kept waking up in the middle of the night of the screaming and crying from nightmares that his room was flooding because of global warming.

    I don’t know, maybe it’s because these disturbed people aren’t dancing enough.

  2. Back in the 80s, the Left was beside themselves because children were having nightmares about nuclear holocaust. The point of their hand-wringing was to convince the United States to disarm unilaterally.

    I worked in the nuclear arms field at the time, and more than once woke up in a cold sweat from a nightmare in which Soviet RVs were descending on my town (which was, in fact, a major target). This usually followed one of our classified threat briefings. It wouldn’t be a surprise to me that lefty teachers could instill similar terror in children.

    However, when the Soviet Union collapsed, and the threat of nuclear annihilation disappeared, there was a curious lack of relief on the part of the Left. In fact, there was no evidence of any whatsoever. The only thing the Left did at the end of the Cold War was slaver, in a most embarrassing fashion, over how they would spend the “peace dividend.”

    They never considered the threat of nuclear war real, any more than they consider any ecological catastrophe from global warming to be real. In the latter case, they’re completely correct…

  3. Eh, hysteria will find an outlet. If it weren’t global warming, it’d be some other terrible danger. Doesn’t mean I have a shred of respect for those who milk the hysteria.

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