“The Science Is Settled”

…they told Copernicus.

[Late morning update]

Several “scientists” are continuing to plot attacks on the “deniers.” And they’re being led by Paul Ehrlich, one of the most discredited pseudoscientific totalitarian doom’n’gloomers in modern history? It doesn’t help that the president’s current science advisor was one of his protégés.

These folks have apparently never learned the old rule about holes.

5 thoughts on ““The Science Is Settled””

  1. The biggest problem that I have with all of these guys is that they really don’t want to do ‘Real’ science. They have a pre-conceived notion that humans are destroying the Earth and it is their job to save it. They match whatever data they can find to support their view and discard (and hide) data that is counter to that message.

    It really is much more of a religion than it is science.

  2. Ehrlich’s prophecies, while utterly bogus, did usher in all kinds of interesting changes in the culture. You can make the case that gender politics has its origins in population control. It’s also an excuse to lower the general standard of living, which just happens to accentuate class and racial differences. It underwrites the necessity for more and greater government control, and fewer and fewer areas of private ownership.

    Since the population bomb ran out of steam, however, AGW has taken it’s place. So you can see Ehrlich and his cabal’s interest in keeping up the pressure. It doesn’t have to be true, it just has to fool enough of the rubes.

  3. Ehrlich wrote the take-home message your children are learning at school. His ideas permeate the ether and inform journalists, writers, and intellectuals. Even Mitt Romney has bought into Ehrlich’s throw away nostrums.

    “Die off, already!” is the subliminal message in your morning paper, in your cup of boutique coffee, under the hood of your kludged vehicle. You can’t escape Ehrlich’s doom. He contrived it just for you.

  4. Whom to believe, Paul “The End of Affluence” Ehrlich or Frank “The Physics of Christianity” Tipler?

    If either is correct, afaic it is due to the stopped-clock effect.

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