The Time For Talk

…is over. Heh:

…nothing more effectively communicates that “the time for talk is over” than spending your week traveling to Pennsylvania and Missouri and giving speeches about your health-care plan.

Apparently the White House has never learned about the definition of insanity — to keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting to get different results. The Obama team always seems to think that the solution is more cowbellObama.

14 thoughts on “The Time For Talk”

  1. Why doesn’t he take his own advice and STFU? I mean really, can you imagine Bush talking as much as TOTUS?

  2. In the cult of Obama, no amount of talk from the Won is too much, no event can ever refute his infallibility, and any failings revealed are someone else’s fault. We are simply too stupid to see the wisdom of the Won.

  3. Mike,
    Excellent observation. They campaign because that is all they know how to do. Actually governing isn’t part of their core competency.

  4. “core competency”

    Those 2 words together, when referring to the Bambi Brigade, do not compute, Chris.

    Actually, “competency” does not compute with them, even by itself. 🙁

  5. Barbara,
    You have to admit they know a thing or two about winning elections (when EVERYTHING goes their way), though that does seem to be the extent of their knowledge base. Even that talent though will be really tested in 2012.

  6. Yes, Chris – they know a thing or two about winning elections – if the media lies, covers for them, and demonizes the opposition.

  7. Heres another one of Mr. Halliburton’s products: Hope on a Rope, one that he failed to tout just now. Recommended for those times when a naked Rahm is about to attack you in your shower.

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