Comedy Central’s Cowardice

Some thoughts:

…note how entirely real radical Muslim threats and violence are treated as just part of the weather — something you have to adapt to — while nonexistent Tea Party violence is an existential threat to the Republic.

Watch out what kinds of behavior you reward, and what kinds you punish. You’re likely to get more of the former, and less of the latter.

[Update a few minutes later]

I liked this comment at Ann Althouse’s place:

Obama is reaching out to Muslims. Maybe he wants to learn the secrets of their success in shutting people up.

It sure looked like a threat to me. I’m sure the Department of Justice will get right on it.

[Update a while later]

Krikorian’s Corollary To Sullivan’s Law: “All organizations that are not actually anti-jihadist will over time become dhimmified and accommodate themselves to jihadism.”

Sounds right to me.

6 thoughts on “Comedy Central’s Cowardice”

  1. Just so I understand the current rights under the First Amendment:

    Acceptable: The DLCC posting a map of “vulnerable” Republican-held territories in the U.S. using bullseyes as placeholders.

    Unacceptable: Sarah Palin posting a map of Democrat candidates who are weak in the upcoming election using target reticles as placeholders.

    Acceptable: Censoring the audio of a cartoon because the name “Mohammed” is uttered.

    Unacceptable: Uttering the name Mohammed or using a picture of Mohammed in a cartoon.

    Acceptable: Muslims in the U.S. making death threats against non-Muslims in the U.S.

    Sound about accurate?

  2. perhaps they wouldn’t be cowardly if our own govenrment leaders stood up for us in these situations, instead remember last Oct 1 when the President talked at the UN and supported the call for laws against “insulting religion”

    And also, if our courts weren’t so out of whack that if someone that worked on the show was killed, their family would be able to sue Comedy Central and win.

    I tend to believe this is how companies will behave when the law is not applied evenly and instead people go after the biggest pockets instead of suing the people responsible. They are just acting according to incentives, why should they be courageous, who will stand with them? Our government leaders sure won’t.

  3. As bad as Obama is on this, Bush was pretty awful, too. He started out by saying that Islam is a religion of Peace, and he never departed from repeating this over and over.

  4. Doug,
    Of course, but Bush’s close relations with the Saudi royal family are well known and he’s dumb enough to repeat their lies about their religion.

    Conversely, Obama, who was educated in a madrassa in Indonesia and only stealth-converted to Christianity when he decided to run for the Senate (his community organizer office in the basement of Jeremiah Wrights church didn’t make him a christian), knows the true meaning of the word Islam (it means “submission” to the yokels out there, not “peace”, unless you call it the sort of peace you get by submitting as a slave to a theocratic state).

    I’m looking forward to the next comments from South Park’s creators… this is going to be entertaining.

  5. This is what Matt and Trey had to say today:

    A Statement from Matt and Trey

    In the 14 years we’ve been doing South Park we have never done a show that we couldn’t stand behind. We delivered our version of the show to Comedy Central and they made a determination to alter the episode. It wasn’t some meta-joke on our part. Comedy Central added the bleeps. In fact, Kyle’s customary final speech was about intimidation and fear. It didn’t mention Muhammad at all but it got bleeped too. We’ll be back next week with a whole new show about something completely different and we’ll see what happens to it.

  6. Apparently REVOLUTION CARTMAN is getting into the game, in re this comment at Althouse’s blog:

    *** PRESS RELEASE ****


    This is a warning that the unwarranted and censorious addition of unnecessary bleeps to the recent South Park episode, by the staff of Comedy Central, apparently out of fear of reprisals by the insane basement dwelling idiots at REVOLUTION MUSLIM, has repercussions.

    We at REVOLUTION CARTMAN stand for the true Authoritah in this land, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Specifically the right of Matt and Trey to free speech, to not have their artistic genius muzzled by corporate dipshits or cave dwelling madrassah dropout losers calling themselves muslims.

    If Comedy Central does NOT release the full and unedited version of the aforementioned episode of South Park, then something very, very bad will “probably” happen to Comedy Central CEO Doug Hertzog. We also demand that Hertzog be a good jew and immigrate immediately to Israel and join a kibbutz so he can learn how to be a non-self-hating jew.

    It is unfortunate that we are forced to make such a prediction (note: this is only a prediction, we are not “threatening” Mr. Hertzog in any way, it’s clear the Baby Jesus is gonna get him in the end anyways, and he’ll be forced to go live with Satan and Saddam), but we were left with no choice by the moronic douchebags at REVOLUTION MUSLIM, it is clear that we must fight stupidity with stupidity.

    As for REVOLUTION MUSLIM: If you nadless pussies think you can out “predict” REVOLUTION CARTMAN, you can go suck it. Everybody knows Cartman has the Authoritah. We’ll meet your sorry asses at the corner of 15th and 5th.

    4/22/10 6:17 PM

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