A Green Tea Party

That’s what Pulitzer-Prize-winning authoritarian-government admirer Tom Friedman thinks the Tea Partiers should form. I always love this:

I’ve been trying to understand the Tea Party Movement. Sounds like a lot of angry people who want to get the government out of their lives and cut both taxes and the deficit. Nothing wrong with that — although one does wonder where they were in the Bush years.

They were there all along, and few of them were very happy about the spending, but they weren’t idiotic enough to think that the Democrats would be better. And sometimes quantity has a quality all its own.

Anyway, I think that what Beijing Tom really wants is a watermelon tea party.

16 thoughts on “A Green Tea Party”

  1. Best comment:

    Nothing wrong with that — although one does wonder where they were in the Bush years.”

    Probably the same place that socialists are at right now wondering why Gitmo is still open, why HC ended up being such a mess, and where all the transparency went.

    Oh, snap!

  2. I’ve been trying to understand the Tea Party Movement.

    Mission Impossible. Now that liberty loving people are becoming active we may see the rooting out of those that would destroy liberty.

  3. Yes, one can see why Tom would have trouble understanding what the little people are thinking. If only they would just listen to their enlightened betters, everything would be fine.

  4. Tom needs to read the “Frog in the Kettle” parable. The frog doesn’t get panicky if the water temperature is being jacked up incrementally. The Bush/Reid/Pelosi spending jolt of 2009 attracted a lot of yelling and screaming, but the people felt that this kind of shock was a one-time deal, and didn’t get too panicky.

    Then Obama/Reid/Pelosi cranked up the temperature to 11, with never-ending trillion-dollar deficits. Armageddon was no longer two or so decades away, when the Social Security/Medicare bubbles were expected to burst. Joe Sixpack didn’t protest when he couldn’t see Armageddon from his house – and, major point here – when there was still some hope that the government had enough self-correcting checks and balances to head off the apocalypse.

    With nobody else doing anything about the situation, the protests arose.

  5. Friedman is an idiot.

    There were plenty of people screaming about spending, even on the Republican side. THey were pretty much muzzled by both the media and their party “leaders” in part because George Bush was doing the big spending.

    George Bush cratered not because he was a horrid right winger with an unpopular war, it was mainly because he went AWOL on the Constitution (McCain Feingold) pushed for amnesty for illegal aliens, all the while arguing that it was not an amnesty because he used a euphemism instead of the actual word “amnesty,” tried to appoint an incompetent crony to the Supreme Court (Harriet Miers), accused those who resisted his move of being “sexists” and finally, spent money like crazy

  6. Let’s just take a deep breath and admit were racist bigots and resign ourselves to getting the gov’t we deserve. No point mentioning that Bush’s approval ratings were only 22% when he left office. Obviously we were all in lock step behind the uber Bush and only deceived the pollsters out of some grand nefarious Rovian plot to, um, get the last laugh in the end. Hahahah, so there. Who needs liberty and freedom when they gets the last laugh, huzzah!

  7. I can tell you exactly where Bush lost me, when he told my Senator in the Oval Office when he opposed a vote renewing PATRIOT Act, that “The Constitution is just an (effing) piece of paper…”. That made clear that he was perfectly happy with unchecked creeping fascism that was taking over the mechanisms of government.

  8. Yeah, that’s why it doesn’t matter if a R or a D follows the name… we need to get rid of all these guys that swear to protect and defend and it means nothing to them.

  9. Hey, Talking Moustache, there’s already a party sort of like the one you’re pining for — it’s called the (wait for it) Green Party.

    Well, NM. You know the genesis of this idiotic article was Friedman sitting in the breakfast nook of his 11,400 ft2 Gaia-molesting house, wiping egg off of his world-destroying moustache, when he suddenly felt inspired (most of us calling it “having gas”) and thought, “Hmmmm…Tea Party…Tea Party…Green Tea Party! LOL! Tom, you magnificent bastard! You’ve done it again!”

  10. Try forming one yourself, Friedman. Maybe you’ll get more people than the Coffee Party.

    And while you’re whining about your greenwash obsessions, try reconciling those concerns with the apocalyptically awful environmental record of your state-crush, Communist China.

  11. Starless, lololololol.


    Tom Friedman will always be the retard with the giant moustache to me.

  12. I can tell you exactly where Bush lost me, when he told my Senator in the Oval Office when he opposed a vote renewing PATRIOT Act, that “The Constitution is just an (effing) piece of paper…”.

    Mike Lorrey, I am furious with Bush also for several reasons, but I can at least inform you that this quote has been thoroughly debunked. Bush did not say that, and the ‘reporter’ who accused him of this is well-known for making outrageous claims that are completely unverifiable from any journalistic standard.

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