9 thoughts on “Does White House Appeasement”

  1. Appeasement ALWAYS invites intimidation. That’s why empires have always been brutal and when they get soft, they crumble. Americans don’t covet a world empire, but we have to protect ourselves. Unfortunately, our elites and leaders seem to think that one can deal with wolves by showing them our empty hands.

  2. On the other hand, our President (and the MSM) attacks Tea Party speech with a ferocity that should be reserved for the nation’s enemies. He doesn’t have any illusions about the need to deal forcefully with his enemies.

    All his actions speak of is who our President thinks is the real enemy.

  3. MfK, it’s because they believe the Jihahists post no existential threat to the US, but the Tea Party does pose an existential threat…to their political power.

  4. Hey, Clinton was too squeamish to put away bin Laden when he had the chance but let Janet Reno attack a compound full of citizens with children and kill them. I think it’s more party ideology than anything else.

  5. Titus, if you replace “US” in your post with “their power” I agree with you. They do not love the US – it’s just a vehicle to power for the progressive left.

  6. Appeasement got a car-bomb parked outside Viacom’s office in New York last night.

  7. Notice the car bomb did no real damage, any bets on if this is going to be tied to the “Tea” party extremism?
    May 1st the one gives a speech very critical of the anti government tone of the tea party etc… May 2 a bomb is discovered in times square?

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