Lileks, on the moral superiority of our media and political “elites.” It’s really hard to use that word for them with a straight face.

Hope the attack was caused by one of the several dozen million militia members — also known as “Midwesterners.” After all, that’s the logical extension of being opposed to anything the government does while in control of the Democratic Party: blowing up that oasis of commerce and gaudy free enterprise, Times Square.

Fingers crossed: Oh, if only the attack was caused by someone protesting Arizona’s immigration policy. Such a thing would be misguided, but there’s a lot of anger out there about a law many say harkens back to Nazi Germany, where they rounded up Jews who had entered the Third Reich illegally, and made them return to Israel.

…CNN chatterboxes later ruminated that the fellow had a hard life in the U.S. — couldn’t get a good job, had his house foreclosed on. Granted. But this has happened to many during the Great Recession, and 99.99999% don’t sit down and conclude: “Well, it’s Pakistan for fertilizer bomb training, then.”

Do these people actually think about the stupid things they say?

I fully expect all those being foreclosed on to be put on a terrorist watch list. But we can’t discriminate against those Jihadis. That would be intolerant.

9 thoughts on “The MS In MSNBC”

  1. Do these people actually think about the stupid things they say?

    Corrected version: Do these people actually think?

    Signs point to no.

  2. I ask you: If people whose political and economic philosophy is based on envy-mongering, plunder, and coercion can’t feel morally superior, then who can?

  3. …they rounded up Jews who had entered the Third Reich illegally, and made them return to Israel.

    Yes, the parallels with AZ are chilling. We would have gone with gas chambers but you know, they’re [whisper] beaners! [/whisper] So that wouldn’t work.

    Ethnic joke violation! Sensitivity training to commence.

  4. I’m not surprised by the opinion, but I’m surprised by the unprofessional behavior. She said that on the air. Apparently that wasn’t enough for her so she started digging the hole deeper on her facebook account. It’s not enough that she “gets flak”, she has to publicly whine about it too. My view is that journalists who aren’t paid to express opinions should maintain a public appearance of impartiality. It’s part of the job. That includes refraining from talking about their opinions and beliefs when they are on the air. It especially includes not whining about it on Facebook.

  5. We got the bubble-headed-bleach-blonde who
    comes on at five
    She can tell you ’bout the plane crash with a gleam
    in her eye
    It’s interesting when people die-
    Give us dirty laundry

  6. Rooting for a “man caused disaster” to be perpetrated by a fellow American. I bet she would invest in a run of “Springtime for Hitler”.

  7. “Do these people actually think about the stupid things they say?”

    Hell, no.

    As larry j said, they don’t even think. >:-(

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