4 thoughts on “Cruel Discrimination”

  1. Reminds me of the argument between the brain, stomach and anus regarding who runs things. They decided to shutdown to find out. The coma would have lasted forever. The stomach held out for a month. Then the anus shutdown and three days later the assholes were all put in charge.

    Once K.J. in drag sits on the bench (can she go back to baseball?) Iowahawk will be declared a hate speech site.

  2. “Once K.J. in drag sits on the bench (can she go back to baseball?) Iowahawk will be declared a hate speech site.”

    That comment would have seemed far-fetched two years ago. Now it sounds, ominously, all too realistic.

  3. …would have seemed far-fetched two years ago.

    I have the curse of the oracle. Far-fetched today is never remembered years later when they become prescient.

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