First They Came For The Ketchup

…and I said nothing, because I hardly ever use the stuff. All I use it for is making cocktail sauce occasionally, and sometimes on fries. And I’m pretty brand insensitive.

I still object, though, on principle. Who in the hell is Mike Bloomberg, to tell me how much salt I should eat?

21 thoughts on “First They Came For The Ketchup”

  1. I don’t smoke, and lost two parents who smoked, and think the habit is both stupid and harmful. Nonetheless, I still hate the second hand smoke hysteria and the way people are happy to regulate everyone else’s lives down to the most irritating detail.

  2. To be perfectly frank, there are several hundred thousand people, plus a bunch of liberals, in the Rotten Apple. If they can’t deal with this through BBSS (blackmail, bribe, seduce, and scare bureaucrats), I won’t shed many tears for them. And if Heinz’s reformulation bankrupts them before they can re-introduce Classic Catsup (and forces Terry Kerry to get a job), I’ll shed even fewer tears.

  3. This is a trail balloon. If Kerry catsup gets away with this, there will be anti-salt laws next. From what I’ve read about Britain, the anti-salt laws are already in place, and Brit restaurant food has become even more bland than it was before.

  4. I find most restaurant food to be overly salty (I’m not fond of salt; I prefer herbs and spices as seasoning), and if there’s one thing I loathe, it’s ketchup. Even as a kid, if I had french fries, I’d have them with mustard.

    That said, I’ll ad that I find the idea of government meddling in things like this to be reprehensible. I oppose it, for the same reason I oppose the nanny-state idea of taxing sugary drinks. I’m a diabetic, so I can never have a sugary soda, but the idea of the meddlers taxing them is repulsive to me.

    Want a viable new tax? I say we tax meddling…

  5. No one has the right to tell me what to eat, ingest, or otherwise put in my mouth for nourishment, pleasure, on simply on a dare.

    That said, my opinion is contingent upon how much Bloomberg is willing to pay me to say otherwise.

  6. Bloomberg is only one of countless power-lusting mediocrities cashing in on the spread of the philosophy of the total state — the notion that your life belongs, not to YOU, but to society and its representative: the state.

    The moral root of the total state philosophy is the morality of sacrifice — altruism — that declares that man has no right to exist for his own sake, but instead must sacrifice for the sake of his fellow man.

    The events of the twentieth century proved beyond all doubt that the total state — be it in the form of socialism, fascism, communism, an advanced welfare state, etc. — produces nothing but economic chaos, impoverishment and even — if practiced consistently enough — mass death by starvation.

    Yet it is an idea that the left will never give up on — and it is an idea that remains alive primarily because those alleged champions of freedom and capitalism — the “conservatives” — are too spineless to challenge it. In fact, most of them (especially the most religious) explicitly endorse the morality of sacrifice — and in doing so, have helped hasten the decline and eventual destruction of America.

    Looter-in-Chief Obama and his fellow looters in Congress are in the process of dismantling America. Our only hope is that the American people will awaken to what is being done to them and decide that they are not willing to go quietly into the darkness of serfdom. God help America if it does not deliver a crushing kneecapping to these cannibals in November.

  7. I don’t believe in God so I’ll just say:

    Great Scott, To Salt – or Not to Salt; that is the question. It is also a matter of PERSONAL PREFERENCE. Some of us who are on salt restricted diets use less salt because we believe that we may live a little longer. That’s OK, it is still MY preference.

    I use very little ketchup so it really doesn’t matter to me what happens to Heinz. The thing I object to is the principle that someone else wants to control my life. At the very least I want to consent to any controls and it must be consent on my part informed by whatever information is being used to sell the restriction and subject to my interpretation of that infromation.

    Having said that, when I got to this state of health I found that eating out in many of the large restaurant chains led to incredible salt intake. In one of them they might just as well have served sea water to drink. I guess restaurants use salt and fat to make their products more enticing etc but I no longer eat out unless I can control both the fat and the salt.

    Darth Bloomberg is a great political gasbag – Howard Portnoy is correct! Bloomberg can afford his views, like many people who espouse socialism, he has found it works when you have income from the proletariat to help keep them in their places. Class warfare by another name. Those of us who have to fight daily for a crust are much more grounded in the reality of everyday life and the time is coming when we may have to fight for the right to exist again.

  8. This is another example of a successful person genuinely believing that because he made billions in a particular business that he is an expert in everything. I will give Bloomberg mad props for his business acumen, but his health expertise in this particular case is simply an opinion.

    How about Bloomberg applying his business smarts to solving NYC’s staggering budget issues? That is quite a difficult problem, and solving it will require lots of backbone, difficult choices, and political savvy. The rewards of that success would be genuinely deserved and would rightfully stoke that ego of his.

    He didn’t make his billions by himself. Doesn’t he have someone close to him that has his confidence who has the stones to say that poking his nose into regulating salt and sugar is political suicide?

  9. He keeps doing this stuff because he keeps getting away with it. People in NYC may complain about it, but they bend over and take it anyway. After all, its “for their own good,” don’t you know. It won’t stop until a majority of everyday folks stand up and say “ENOUGH!”

    Unfortunately, voting the bums out doesn’t work because the only other candidates are the same bums in different suits.

  10. After all, its “for their own good,” don’t you know.

    That’s not why they put up with it. On stuff like this they’re like the people laughing at the insult comic because they think he’s making fun of those other people.

  11. In the do-as-I-say, not-as-I-do category, the Obamas were last week’s winners.

    While Michelle was tricky-tracking around urging Americans to eat healthier foods, Obama went to Duff’s in Buffalo and ordered chicken wings, plus french fries, AND onion rings.

  12. All I know is that anyone who orders ketchup with their well-done steak should be pilloried on the spot… 😉

    Maybe someone should tell Gauleiter Bloomberg that bread doesn’t rise so well without salt? {/snerk}

  13. “Want a viable new tax? I say we tax meddling…”

    This is a brilliant suggestion, and might just be enough to stave off the otherwise inevitable collapse of the U.S. economy. For every proposal to meddle in the lives of others, the proposer pays 10% of his or her annual income (with no deductions). The government would be drowinging in revenue…

  14. The government would be drowinging in revenue…

    And all of it from the very same people who’ve been claiming they’re undertaxed (while at the same time failing to find ways they can pay more volunarily).

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