The Day Has Arrived

Time for solidarity in defense of enlightenment values.

Brendan O’Neill says, though, that we’re missing the real point — that the real cultural enemy isn’t extremist Islam, but the multiculturalists within. But Nick Gillespie explains why it’s important nonetheless. And Mark Steyn has more thoughts.

[Update a few minutes later]

People will see what they want to see.

[Update a while later]

Who decides
what is provocative?

3 thoughts on “The Day Has Arrived”

  1. You chose an image that seems appropriate for this website: an illustration of people appreciating a (formerly) extraterrestrial mineral resource.

  2. Given the illegal immigration flap and this, today would be a good day to wear my Che humming Mohammed shirt.

  3. I think Brendan O’Neill’s point is valid, but thought the article did a poor job of expressing it.

    So, if it really is a sin to depict Mohammed, then these imams will be roasting in hell.

    This I believe is central to understanding the religion of Islam. Lying is central to Islam. These imams did nothing at all wrong according to there religion. It really is ends justifies the means for Islam.

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