11 thoughts on “First They Misreport On The Bill”

  1. Because to them, it is the agenda that is important, not the truth.

    Senator McCarthy has been vindicated by history. As member of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations he was mandated during the cold war to find spies in the federal government and he did. The media even back then proved their treason by protecting the spies continuing it’s lies to this day.

    You have to wonder what their agenda is.

  2. Can someone explain why people are surprised by this behaviour on the part of reporters. Truth went out of the window years ago; sex and outrage sell. It’s not about truth but selling more papers than the next guy.

  3. Senator McCarthy has been vindicated by history.

    So Ike was a Communist?

    he was mandated during the cold war to find spies in the federal government and he did.

    And what was his accuracy? It isn’t hard to “find” the guilty if there’s no penalty for false positives, you just accuse as many people as possible.

  4. And what was his accuracy? It isn’t hard to “find” the guilty if there’s no penalty for false positives, you just accuse as many people as possible.

    Oh, so THAT’S what he was doing. Glad you cleared that up.

    The mainstream media would have had us believe there were no spies at all. What’s the appropriate penalty for a false positive? I’m thinking it should be in line with the penalty for covering up a real spy… oh wait…

  5. Senator McCarthy has been vindicated by history.

    So Ike was a Communist?

    Jim, it was the John Birch society that accused Eisenhower of possibly being a Communist, not McCarthy. Senator McCarthy died before the John Birch society was even founded.

    McCarthy disagreed with Eisenhower on a number of things, mainly due to what he perceived as Eisenhower’s slow pace in removing career federal jobholders inherited from the Truman administration. But he never stated “Ike was a Communist”

    My brother in law is a fantastic attorney; perhaps he can help you get a refund on your education.

  6. Jim Said, “And what was his accuracy? It isn’t hard to “find” the guilty if there’s no penalty for false positives, you just accuse as many people as possible.”

    Indeed, and McCarthy did worse. He had a real and necessary task, and manipulated it to his political advantage, in ways that ultimately forestalled resolution of that issue for decades. He closed the barn door, with great fanfare, after the horses had left. He got large numbers of little officious busybodies out among the public, creating horrid consequences for people that didn’t deserve them. Then he topped all that off by ignoring the maxim of “don’t get into a public pissing match with a man who buys ink by the barrel.” In his case it was with a broadcaster who bought electrons by the Megajoule.

    He made a big splash in 1947-52, then became a laughingstock by 1955-6. He should have been content to start slow, and build up solid information that would have allowed us to counter the “long march through the institutions” by the 1955-70 timeframe. We could have had a far less biased academic community than we have had for 35 years.

    Combined, his unforced errors put back strong opposition to communism by about 3 decades. We still feel the effects today.

  7. Commenting on the textbook guidelines directly, ( ahemmm) one should note that the actual wording of the guidelines (pdf) I have downloaded through Ann Althouse blog is a pretty good curriculum. What is most discouraging are the suggestions that upon several of the commission members leaving this year, attempts will be made to replace these guidelines with ones more amenable to the multicults. Indeed, if there is any problem with the guidelines, it is that most of the people tasked with teaching from these texts will themselves be unfamiliar with too many of the issues, on any side of those issues to do anything but confuse their students.

  8. no penalty for false positives

    So being censured by the Senate isn’t a penalty? That would be news to all the people who argued that Clinton should be censured rather than impeached.

  9. It isn’t hard to “find” the guilty if there’s no penalty for false positives, you just accuse as many people as possible.

    Except that’s not what happened; he found soviet spies in high level government positions… which I remind you was his mandate as member of PSI. Note: no scare quotes.

    His investigation was limited to government employees. But that doesn’t stop Jim and others of falsely accusing McCarthy; for example, painting him with the activities of the HUAC when Senator McCarthy was not in the house. Or… So Ike was a Communist? Don’t you feel any shame at all Jim for making another false accusation? Is there no penalty for you?

    Doesn’t it bother you at all Jim that soviet spies were in our government, right in the oval office (Alger Hiss) during the cold war?

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