12 thoughts on “Get Him Some Cleats”

  1. I admit it, I’m not getting it? It’s a fist shaped wrecking ball.

    Interestingly, superman didn’t originally fly, he leaped (tall building and other things in a single bound.)

    I still like the barrel chested original tv character that I grew up with.

  2. Hey, it’s fiction, the writers can invent any plausible (?) physics they want. Some politicians do too!

  3. It just so happens I have been researching Superman all morning trying to track down episode 8 of the radio show that started in Feb of 1940. I did find it but found this also at – his Homepage, or one of them.

    “Superman’s ability to fly has been explained as a result of Earth’s gravity being much less than that of his home world, but it seems to be at least partially psychokinetic in nature. Most of his other powers are due to Earth’s yellow sun (Krypton had a red sun).”

    “Superman was not born with his powers, but they developed as he grew. They began to show themselves during puberty, but he did not fully realize his powers until he became an adult.”

    As an adult he did fly in Episode 2 of the radio series. He escaped to Earth as a baby in episode 1. I have been posting the radio episodes at two a week and just posted 7 yesterday. I tried a short search for the first comic to see if he flew in that one and have not found it yet so on that I defer to Ken’s superior knowledge.

  4. Given that Supes can fly while carrying immense loads, I figure he’s just “flying” forward just enough to counter the backwards force of the arm-extender. No cleats required:-)

  5. I seem to remember characters in an episode of the TV show remarking that the unconscious Clark Kent was surprisingly heavy…

  6. Well, shoot him in the head and test your theory, pal.

    Uh, that’s exactly what the guy is doing, which would seem to make that a dumber comment than the one it’s making fun of.

  7. What I could never figure out is how Superman was able to get people to not recognize him without his glasses.

  8. Speaking of action/reaction, long ago I laughed at an episode of six million dollar cyborg when Steve Austin lies down on the ground and kicks a car out of the way. In fiction, friction is different.

  9. I always wordered why it made any difference how Bionic his legs and arm were. His spine was still normal bone ad cartlige.

    Yep, lift the Buick Steve!

  10. Wes Says:
    May 26th, 2010 at 7:43 am

    “Superman’s ability to fly has been explained as a result of Earth’s gravity being much less than that of his home world, but it seems to be at least partially psychokinetic in nature.”

    Or, he has a diet rich in legumes.

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