4 thoughts on “A Tale Of Two Press Secretaries”

  1. Frankly, I hope that the explanation is tone-deaf. Gibbs is so clueless and so glaringly inept, that I find it amusing. Let’s hope he stays on a good amount of time. He’s certainly not doing the administration any favors in that position.

  2. I sometimes wonder if it’s simply that the President is happy to have somebody in there who makes himself look good by comparison.

  3. “I sometimes wonder if it’s simply that the President is happy to have somebody in there who makes himself look good by comparison.”

    I thought that was one of Joe Biden’s jobs (one of the others is making Obama both impeachment and assassination proof).

  4. Gibbs is not a disaster, he’s doing exactly what Obama wants him to do!

    His mission: to obscure what the Obama administration is doing and what its motives are; to intimidate any “journalists” and media stooges who contemplate deviating from the party line; to convey The Narrative to the media so they can speak with one voice in praise of Our President.

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