The Democrat War On Science

Expect this to be a recurring theme. The latest incident:

Needless to say, there is something ugly and hypocritical about glorifying the absolute authority of scientists and sanctimoniously preening about your bravery in “restoring” that authority — and then ignoring the scientists when politically expedient.

But it is bordering on the grotesque to handpick scientists to give you an opinion and then lie about what they actually said and implement a policy they don’t endorse. (According to the Journal, the Interior Department has apologized to the scientists. But the administration refuses to publicly acknowledge it did anything wrong.)

Of course it does. Not just hypocrites, but incompetent ones, who are compounding the damage to the Gulf economy from the oil leak by wiping out the local oil industry. Oh, and speaking of incompetence, how about this?

Against Governor Jindal’s wishes the federal government blocked oil-sucking barges today because they needed to confirm that there were fire extinguishers and life vests on board and were having trouble contacting the owners.

We don’t have elections often enough.

5 thoughts on “The Democrat War On Science”

  1. I question the reporting here. Why wouldn’t the Coast Guard simply board the barges and count life vests, fire extinguishers, etc? Whatever actually happened, I bet it was the barge operators, not the Coast Guard, who were the incompetent ones.

    And the values seem conservative: 1) Human life is more important than “the environment”; 2) Everyone should follow the rules.

  2. Rather, some of the ships are foreign, and are equipped to other nations’ laws about what they must carry. And we’re by golly not going to let them help fix the problem until we’ve made sure that they meet all of our paperwork requirements!

  3. Wait .. I saw that life jacket etc report yesterday .. and assumed it was from the Onion or something like that.

    It’s *REAL*???

    You simply can not parody these people.

  4. And we’re by golly not going to let them help fix the problem until we’ve made sure that they meet all of our paperwork requirements!

    And make sure that they join the SEIU and pay their dues!

  5. Obviously, it is all George Bush’s fault. He really never left office. He’s been running things from his secret underground lair somewhere in Texas. Obama has had to stand by in horror as Bush, using his super atomic powered Incompetence-Ray(tm), has forced disaster after disaster on him. Damn that evil man, will we ever be done with him?

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