4 thoughts on “The Thin Skin Of Journalists”

  1. Yeah, I’ve always found it odd, that the very people who can’t write a “news” story without injecting their opinion or their political leanings, don’t like to hear anyone’s opinion of their work, or differing political views. Is that irony, pettiness or thin skinnedness?

    Or is it just a superior attitude?

  2. The writer seems to think that the newer generation of journalists are not as thin-skinned as the old. I’m not so sure of that.

  3. “the typical blogger has more experience dealing with criticism — measuring a reasonable response, managing trolls and restraining the urge to flame — than the typical newsroom journalist.”

    Recognizing a troll seems to be a skill many people lack. Knowing how to manage them is even rarer.

  4. Calling many of the current newspaper employees journalists does a disservice to the meaning of the word.

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