6 thoughts on “More Projection From The Left”

  1. It’s certainly a brilliant argument they’ve got there:

    You spent $1 trillion and yet there was a huge loss of jobs.

    Exactly right! See, the Processes of Depression destroyed far more jobs than we were able to “save” — so there was a net loss. Give us more money and we can finally catch up and balance the Forces of Darkness.

    Uh….right. The beauty of this is that it’s totally unfalsifiable. Who knows what the situation would’ve been like in the absence of the stimulus? We can’t rewind the tape o’ time and try 2009 a different way. The number of jobs “created” by the stimulus can be squared with any change in employment whatsoever, just by subtracting the Finagle Factor of the number of jobs “destroyed” by the recession.

    Hey, for all we know, the stimulus created a billion jobs, but the depression destroyed a billion plus ten million. Or maybe the stimulus created infinity jobs, but the depression destroyed infinity plus ten million. Or (tee hee) maybe the stimulus destroyed 1 million jobs, and the depression destroyed another 9 million. But I guess they don’t like that subtraction.

    On a more serious note, it’s interesting that this argument implicitly admits that they can’t do squat to change or reverse the depression itself. That is, they are admitting that the depression can’t be cured — only outlasted, and you can put bandaids over it. They tell us the evil forces of depression act independently of their stimulus — are not reduced, or eliminated — and the only thing the stimulus can do is compensate. It’s sort of like going to the doctor for the pain of your broken leg, and he prescribes nitrous oxide and massage by beautiful naked women. You say: but how does this help my broken leg? and he says well, it doesn’t, but the leg will get better sooner or later on its own, we hope, and in the meantime the drugs and sexy massage will compensate for the pain.

    Not a very confidence-inducing message. I thought these people were all about “regulation” and the miracles it could produce? Lower health care, free green energy, no more drilling accidents? And yet they tell us up front they can’t even, with $1 trillion in cash, simply put a stop to people losing jobs like crazy. Hard to believe in their superpowers after such an epic fail.

  2. They remind me of the posters on the Space Politics blog twisting each other’s statements until they are meaningless 🙂

    It shows you just how polarized the nation has become thanks to the President that was suppose to unite us…

  3. I strongly suspect that the only way the States will be united is if there is a real external threat in the near future.

  4. Actually the administration’s claims are falsifiable and have in fact been shown to be false. The stimulus was sold to keep unemployment from rising above 8%, clearly false. The limp dog ate my homework rejoinder that “things (BUSH!!!) were worse than we thought” is lame rhetoric.

  5. “say: but how does this help my broken leg? ”

    So, you are telling me that Al Gore broke his leg?

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