6 thoughts on ““Capricious And Arbitrary””

  1. What would be a useful reason (that is, something that furthers the US’s national interest) for a moratorium anyway? Just sounds like a cheap way to look like you’re doing something while not.

  2. “Capricious And Arbitrary”

    No, they check to see which way the wind is blowing…oh wait.

  3. Karl,

    Two points. First, remember, Dr. Holdren is a charter member of the Club of Rome who argued in the 1970’s we should be running out of oil by now. Unfortunately, they found that the more they drill in the Gulf of Mexico, and the deeper they go, the more oil they find. Inconvenient data points to stay the least if you were predicting the end of the oil age.

    Second, recall this administration’s major theme, that you should never let a good crisis go to waste in advancing your agenda.

    Together they add up to “moratorium”.

    And, as a additional benefit, you get to really hit the economies of those pesty Red states (LA and TX) along the Gulf whose economies were booming, thanks to Gulf oil, while the rest of the country was suffering. What better way to ensure those states see the “wisdom” of joining he chorus of the other states that are begging for federal help. Bet they won’t refuse federal stimulus funds the next time they are offered them 🙂

    So yes, a moratorium does makes sense if you think about it.

  4. cheap way

    Anything but cheap and creates more crisis which works for this administration so they can continue to demagogue and engage in more thuggery. They will try to destroy this judge for standing in their way. November can’t come too soon. I only hope they haven’t got their minions in place all over for the ground game like they did against Hillary.

  5. The ONLY good thing about this drilling accident is that it has taken the heat of the Press Corps off NASA and its budget woes. Hutchison and Shelby are no longer front page news. I just wish the politicians would step aside and let the people who can fix this go and fix it.

  6. Look for the left-wing slime machine to go into overdrive to smear Judge Feldman. In fact, it has already started with allegations of corruption.

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