8 thoughts on “The Fiscal Mess In Illinois”

  1. Oh my, we have 3 of the past 7 elected governors of Illinois going to prison and a fourth on the way? Sounds like a symptom of some pretty deep corruption.

  2. I am predicting a huge looting party by the political class just before the collapse. Massive amounts of borrowed money will be transferred in to project, pensions, and grants that can’t be clawed back just before the State goes under because the voters will put these guys back in office until then, if not after as well.

  3. Annoying Old Guy, that can all be tapped. The real close out happens when that money gets lost in untouchable ways. The pension fund bets on a Chinese company which goes belly up. Money goes away, everyone blames the Yellow Peril for taking free money, and the politicians that set up the deal invest their kickbacks overseas.

  4. You folks sound like you don’t realize they’ve already got the money… the states send it to the government which send it back to the renamed Acorn hydra. Why do you suppose all that TARP and other money is unspent? It’s a slush fund waiting for November.

  5. Texas, Florida and Arizona are also in terrible shape fiscally.
    Arizona had to sell their state house building to make their last years budget.

    Weren’t these big Republican states?

  6. So Jack, you do realize that big spending politicians come in all flavors, right? We have a war going on between the current members of the AZ administration which may be coming to a head. The rabble have grabbed their pitchforks and aren’t going to let the media tell them to STFU. The country appears to be on our side even if the media and elites aren’t.

  7. When I left Illinois for Iowa after I graduated, it was for practical and personal reasons, such as housing affordability and college friendships. I had anticipated returning within 3-5 years, but that was 10 years ago. I don’t see myself returning any time in the NEXT 10, the way that state is being run, if ever.

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