4 thoughts on “Inception”

  1. Maybe it’s all too big for my pea brain, but having seen the trailer several times I and definitely skipping this.

  2. I said to someone after seeing the previews that I hoped the movie would actually have some substance, and have a story to tell, rather than just be all about the special effects or a sudden twist at the end that makes the movie un-re-watchable. The mere fact that it’s directed by Nolan and not by Bay, Cameron, or Shaymalan gave me hope in that regard, and I’m glad to see a collection of positive reviews. Looking forward to seeing it once it makes its way to the second-run theatre in town (as I have a feeling I’ll want to see it more than once if I like it well enough).

  3. Oh, great, yet another ‘dream-scenes’ movie with ‘physics-defying’ action scenes. I’m with Darkstar; sounds like a definite must-avoid.

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