It’s Not Just Voter Intimidation

More lawlessness at the (In)Justice Department:

In November 2009, the entire Voting Section was invited to a meeting with Deputy Assistant Attorney General Julie Fernandes, a political employee serving at the pleasure of the attorney general. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss Motor Voter enforcement decisions.

The room was packed with dozens of Voting Section employees when she made her announcement regarding the provisions related to voter list integrity:

We have no interest in enforcing this provision of the law. It has nothing to do with increasing turnout, and we are just not going to do it.

Jaws dropped around the room.

Well, I’m not surprised. I’m not sure that this administration is capable of surprising me any more.

10 thoughts on “It’s Not Just Voter Intimidation”

  1. Doesn’t it make sense, though, Rand, given the roots of Progressivism and their belief in the guiding principles of “positive” government? Government’s job is to do whatever it needs to in the moment. At this moment, that law isn’t serving their ends, so why enforce it (if you’re a progressive)?

    I tell you, we’ve got to stop attacking the individual actions of this administration and instead use each instance as an opportunity to point to the underlying philosophy. I think America has and will swallow a lot of progressive policy on its face, it’s the philosophy that we would ultimately gag on.

    One thing’s for sure — more people need to be brought up to speed on the philosophy underlying the policies (and enforcement decisions) we’re seeing from this admin. It’s not enough (to me) for us to dispense with this regime — we must dispense with (and utterly discredit) progressivism from the American psyche.

  2. Obviously it doesn’t occur to them that if people conclude that their votes aren’t going to count as thy should, because of vote fraud and voiter intimidation at the polls, turnout will decline.

    Except of course that’s only genuine, legitimate voters who will stop voting. Phony and ineligible voters can be manufactured as fast as programming the computers at the Division of Elections.

  3. The decline isn’t a bug, it’s a feature. If enough people become disgusted with the process and quit voting, then it’s easier to win elections when your living, dead, and fraudulent votes are the ones being counted. Voter turnout is already low. If this drives it lower, so much the better for them.

    The alternative is that if things get bad enough, more people may actually turn out to turn out the progressives.

  4. They figured out a long time ago they can get everything they want by selective enforcement. They’ve been gaming the legal system since forever. Equal justice and the rule of law is a joke to them. They’re so convinced of their power they don’t even try to hide it anymore. Selective enforcement is a criminal act. These guys are cockroaches and need to be thoroughly exterminated from public life. I couldn’t be more disgusted.

  5. The Left is hell-bent on turning us into a Third World nation, complete with Third World elections.

    The only place that can lead to is civil war. And they are trying as hard as they can to instigate it. They are not stupid; they are purposeful. They know exactly what they’re doing.

  6. The White Devil needs to be scared-off from polling place — he’s been running the show for too long.

  7. Fox is bringing back the story about Obama groups keeping Hillary voters from the polls. Now if the rest of the media became interested… [crickets…]

  8. Hey, remember when Holder said that America was cowardly about dialoging on race? Jeez, what a hypocrite he turned out to be…

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