10 thoughts on “Me, Neither”

  1. I don’t know about you, Rand, but this President has made me downright nostalgic for Bill Clinton.

    For the wedding itself, two thoughts: (a) as for the celebrity part I mostly agree, although – credit where due – the driver of the buzz has been the MSM, not so much the Clintons themselves who, for all of their foibles, did a decent job keeping their kid out of the limelight and (b) given the scope of the thing, at this sort of level of influence and wealth, an invitation to a daughter’s wedding is the sort of ultimate imprimatur of inner circle-dom. The Clintons could not have had a small wedding even if they had tried without pissing off a life-time of hard work. I don’t care for them politically, of course, but nothing about the scope of this wedding bothers me at all.

  2. I generally don’t care about weddings OR Clinton News, but this raises one question, how did two people who’ve spent most of their career in public government jobs get $2 million to throw away on an expensive party, especially when they owe millions to the lawyers that got them off from all the crimes they committed in office?

  3. The media obsession with the wedding is purely political. It’s hardly like Chelsea is a popular (or notorious) public figure. I was somewhat surprised that they made as big a deal of it as they did, however.

    It’s no fun being the scion of the politically obsessed. I have an acquaintance who grew up in that environment and got pretty distorted by it.

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