Bill Haynes

Most of my readers don’t know him, or even who he is, but I just learned that he was killed in an auto accident yesterday, on his way to church. Ironically, as Bill Simon (Bill’s webmaster and our mutual friend) tells me, the picture of him at his blog is one that he took of Bill in his F-86 flight suit on the Miata he was driving when he apparently was head-oned by an SUV. He reportedly died instantly.

Services Saturday — I suspect that Buzz Aldrin will be there, if he’s in LA. I’ll have more thoughts, and personal remembrances later, but suffice it to say that while he lived a long and full life, it wasn’t as long as he wanted, and now he’ll never make it into space, though he’s been working hard to make that happen not just for himself, but for all of us, longer than anyone else I can think of.

[Update a couple minutes later]

Going through Bill’s blog, I just noticed that this blog post, on the need to reduce the cost to open up space, may have been his last one.

[Update a few minutes later]

Here’s the initial story from The Daily Breeze, with no identification.

[Update late evening EDT]

The Daily Breeze has now provided the identification. As Bill might have said, schade, and scheisse.

6 thoughts on “Bill Haynes”

  1. I loves that man though I didnt know him. and if there was one penny for each person he inspired with his creativity and drive, he would be sculpted in gold. I was an affinity person with him about markets and learned so much about biotech and aerospace from him. Ironically, he was a believer in the immortality of stem cells and his life was ended by a auto accident. He was the apotheosis of the young hearted man, and the kind and beneloent spirit. ps. could you take down that irreverent first post in his honor. I dont believe he had an enemy on earth and he certainly doesnt need one from below.

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