The Iftar Speech

Ten theses:

In the 2008 campaign Obama presented himself as a healing if not a redemptive figure. For reasons that are almost completely understandable, many voters chose to believe in Obama’s self-presentation. Belief in Obama’s persona conflicted with voluminous evidence to the contrary that was there for anyone with eyes to see.

These voters who bought Obama nevertheless quickly saw through Obama’s persona after the election. They now believe they were sold a bill of goods, and they are of course right. Obama’s Iftar remarks suggest that Obama has no hesitation at all in reminding voters how he pulled one over on them.

As the latest Gallup poll indicates, more and more people (and just adults, not even likely voters) are figuring out who the rubes were.

9 thoughts on “The Iftar Speech”

  1. Point #5 should (but won’t) penetrate the thick skulls of the Obamunists like an icepick wrt the Hypocrite-in-Chief.

  2. I like the comments below Eric Erickson’s article that point out that if the truth is on your side, why resort to exaggeration? Why resort to using a headline that misinterprets the data that you’re quoting?

    My deed says I own 39 acres (+or-) of land. I never say 40 acres because it’s a stupid lie that

    1) Doesn’t change a thing

    2) Isn’t more or less impressive (it’s just a number)

    3) I try to teach my kids that exaggeration is a really bad habit.

    Journalists need to learn this and stop shooting themselves in the foot, imo.

  3. I predict in 10 years you’ll run into people who will say “How was Obama ever elected? I don’t know anyone who voted for him.”

  4. I never say 40 acres because it’s a stupid lie that

    Ever hear of rounding? I wouldn’t bother saying 39 acres, if I were discussing this subject with someone who doesn’t care just how many acres are in your plot. One significant digit is good enough for them. In fact, if I were discussing your land now, it’d be “40 acres”. I think you missed out on making a good engineering lesson about measurements.

    Now if you had bought 5 acres, just so you could say that you had 10 acres…

    Moving on, I am a bit puzzled as to when the number 27 became larger than the number 29. I get the feeling you’re quite right about the smell coming off of that story.

  5. Karl, Erick is adding the 27% who are certain he is not a citizen to the 29% who are not certain if he is a citizen. Then, you actually have more people who doubt the citizenship of the President than believe building the Mosque is a good idea. I agree that the article could have been written more clearly.

  6. Whittle’s latest (Titus link above) is outstanding. And he includes a lovely shot at the open-borders morons at the very end. Highy recommended.

  7. Karl wrote “I think you missed out on making a good engineering lesson about measurements.”

    Ha! Good point. I’ll do that for my son when he’s further along than his first year of preschool. 🙂

    My step kids are both off and married and if I can get them to understand that in emails (and other writing) “then” and “than” are very different words…

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