Faith Of Our Presidents

Apparently, investigating the president’s beliefs is more important with some presidents than others:

…isn’t that interesting? When Bush declared his Christianity, the press felt a need to delve into his faith and explore the nuances of his belief. Was Bush a moderate Christian, or was he really just one of those crazy wingnut believers who use words like sin and redemption and stuff? Heck, those people are practically snake-handlers, right? But the real question was whether he was a real Christian at all.

So many questions to be explored. And explore them, the press did.

Then, I mean.

Well, Bush was one of those bitter clingers. One shouldn’t question a messiah’s religious beliefs.

5 thoughts on “Faith Of Our Presidents”

  1. This is one of many stark examples that reflect the press’ obvious inner biases against non-liberal pols.

  2. Yeah, I remember when the media decided that a Christian president was a bad thing — that was in ancient times: before iPhones. Now he can’t be Christian enough for them. Go figure.

  3. Their weapons are fear, surprise, and ruthless efficiency…okay, maybe not surprise…

    We can definitely rule out almost fanatical devotion to the Pope.

    Can the comfy chair be used for waterboarding?

  4. So Obama is a christian because he spent twenty years listening to marxism in the pews. Rev. Wright, a former muslim, is a buddy of Farrakhan… what was his group called? Oh yeah, nation of Islam. Both talked about how they endorsed candidate Obama but couldn’t do it openly for political reasons.

    Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation – at least, not just. We are also a Jewish nation, a Muslim nation, a Buddhist nation, and a Hindu nation, and a nation of nonbelievers.” – Obama, June 28, 2006

    It seems like he doesn’t want to acknowledge the Judeo-Christian foundation of this country. An interesting position for a christian to take.

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