8 thoughts on “The Muslim Student Association”

  1. [Omar Hammami aka. Abu Mansoor Al-Amriki] complained of the troubles of living as a Muslim in America and that it was “difficult to believe that a Muslim could have done [the 9/11 attacks.]”

    Feigned innocents? At what point do people realize there are no radical muslims? There are no moderate muslims. There is just Islam and what it teaches.

    Any decent person will either reject the teachings of Islam or live in denial of those teachings. It’s not too hard to live in denial. You just say, “I’m a muslim. I’m a good person. I’m not like the radicals.”

    “My husband beats me and had to honor kill our daughters, but he really loves us.” I’ve seen that one (or similar) with non muslim woman. It’s not that uncommon.

    First amendment protection of an ideology out to destroy the first amendment is just stupid. I know we have morons and collusionists running the government, but at some point enough is enough.

    Islam has been a thorn to America since the shores of Tripoli. It time to outlaw this seditious religion. Let the reformed Islamic Koran be there guide. Keep the stuff written of Big Mo (PissBUH) in Mecca and take the stuff later written in Medina and flush it down the toilet. World domination just can’t be reconciled with our constitution. Or we can flush the constitution which seems to be the preference of the current admin.

  2. It would certainly be grossly unfair to tar the tens of thousands of MSA members across the country as terrorist supporters or would-be terrorists solely for their participation in the organization and the actions of these MSA leaders

    If those tens of thousands of MSA members across the country do not take a stand against the actions of these MSA leaders, either by electing new leadership that will be a loud voice for tolerance or by abandoning the group altogether, it is entirely fair to tar them all.

    I am beginning to believe that there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim, only radicals that are biding their time in silence.

  3. I am beginning to believe that there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim, only radicals that are biding their time in silence.

    That has been my sentiment for several years now. It is going to take something much worse than 9/11 to get that point across to the majority of the “free world” and such an event is inevitable. I hope I am proved wrong, but fear I will not be.

  4. The moderates have no theological basis because the Koran explicitly says later verses override earlier verses. Guess where all the kill the infidel verses are?

  5. If the verse that says that the later verses override the earlier verses is one of the later verses then we claiming it’s authoritative is a bit circular.

    Only if there is a later verse that explicitly overrides that particular earlier verse, IE states definitively that later verses do not over ride earlier ones. Does such a statement exist in the later verses? I think not.

  6. To confuse things even more, the verses are not written in chronological order. I believe Surah 9 is the last. It would allow some to confuse the issue by referring to verses they know have been overridden, point to them and say, “see we are peace lovers,” you infidel son of a goat whore.

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