18 thoughts on “But Don’t Say He’s Not A Moderate”

  1. it’s true but somewhat irrelevant.

    It’s rather like saying a 50 year old has eaten more bananas then
    a 2 year old Or the British have killed more innocent civilians then the
    IRA has.

    Al qaeda is 20 years old and has a few thousands operatives.
    The US is 225 years old, and now has 300 Million plus citizens.

    Al Qaeda has been involved in 2 insurgencies and some terrorism,
    the US like the British has been involved in world spanning wars, mercantile
    empires and enormous growth.

    That said, the real question is is the imam a US citizen. If he is, he has
    a right to be obnoxious, if not, the Bush Administration missed 7 years
    to toss him out.

  2. he has a right to be obnoxious

    Wait, are moderate Muslims supposed to bring us all together or be obnoxious? The sands keep shifting.

  3. It’s rather like saying a 50 year old has eaten more bananas then a 2 year old

    I thought it was 50 eggs.

  4. Look he can preach Jihad all day long, there is a thing called
    the First Amendment and private property rights, as long as
    he’s a US Citizen.

    Now as for the Moderate Muslims, that’s a political movement.
    Any Teabagger has the right to paint Crosshairs on pictures of Obama.
    It’s up to the GOP to decide if they want Teabaggers or
    Moderates in the party.

    The Moderate Muslims have to be a political movement, of which
    there are plenty, just not so many in the Arab World.

  5. Kind of wonder. Will the term “teabagger” go out of vogue come November or will the hate just reach a new level.

    With respect to the term “Moderate Muslims”. Does anyone realize how stupid the term is?

  6. Mike there are no tea baggers, not political anyway.

    Cocksuckers seem to be everywhere though. Moderate Muslims I’m on the fence over. And if this jerk is Moderate, then they DON’T exist.

  7. It’s up to the GOP to decide if they want Teabaggers or
    Moderates in the party.

    Actually, it’s not up to the GOP to make that decision, but the people who happen to vote in Republican primaries. And why do you think there is a difference between “moderate” and “tea party”?

  8. He has the right “to preach Jihad”, I have the right to think and say there’s the possibility he isn’t actually a moderate without being called a homophobic intolerant racist bigot.

  9. if this jerk is Moderate, then they DON’T exist

    Ding. Ding. Ding. We have a winner!

    Saying what the enemy wants to hear is part of the religion.

    We saw another moderate on campus… she was ‘For it.’

    Live and let live only lasts until they’re in the pilot seat.

  10. “The United States has more Muslim blood on its hands than al-Qaeda has on its hands of innocent non-Muslims.”

    Quite possibly. It’s also quite possible that the USA has more German blood on its hands than vice versa, or the same for Japan. And it doesn’t matter – not at all. They started the fight, so the consequences are for them to worry about and not for us.

    Screw Muslim rage. Keep it up, and the enemy will find out what Western rage is like. And it won’t be pretty.

  11. Yes, jack, US citizens have the right to stupid opinions. Your posts testify to that. You make me proud to be an American.

  12. If “preaching Jihad” means preaching armed action against the non moslim US government, he does NOT have that right under the first amendment. Incitement to armed revolution or criminal action is not protected speech.

  13. The imam’s statement is a fairly pure example of the tribal worldview on display:

    What is done to me and mine is of ultimate importance.

    What we do to others is of no importance. They are not us and only we are really people.

    When the issue is between any Muslim and any infidel, the Muslim is my honorary tribal brother and is always right.

  14. I hear that the World Church of the Creator wants to put up a thirty-foot Fylfot of Brotherhood and Tolerance next door to the Holocaust Memorial.

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