7 thoughts on “This Is Getting Insane”

  1. Of course this follows a recent arrest and prosecution of a motorcyclist in Maryland who video taped his own traffic stop with a camera mounted to his helmet. The video showed a off-duty cop in plain clothes and not driving a police car pulling the motorcyclist over and brandishing his gun — a pretty intimidating situation since if you aren’t sure the other person is indeed a cop. By posting the video to YouTube the motorcyclist is being put on trial for breaking Maryland’s wire tapping laws, infringing the cops right to privacy and is now facing up to 16 years in prison. Insanity.

  2. Mfk and I are referring to the same incident. I described it from memory after reading about it two weeks ago and hopefully got it right.

  3. The ‘best’ part of all this as the the cops started it by having dashcams. I guess that’s OK as long as they control what video actually gets released.

  4. “The ‘best’ part of all this as the the cops started it by having dashcams. I guess that’s OK as long as they control what video actually gets released.”

    This is becoming a serious issue. The police DO control what is both released, and even retained as evidence. Both dashcam video and security camera video are increasingly adopting the practice of “not existing” in certain cases where police conduct is called into question. The equipment was present. No one claims that it was faulty or didn’t record anything. Certainly no one admits that the video was erased. It just that, after the fact, the video “doesn’t exist.”

    I’ve always been one to side with law enforcement. But seeing the upswing in police state-like behavior in this country (or maybe just seeing what was already there), I’m much more inclined to hear the whole story…

  5. Video equipment should be sealed, logged and controlled by the judicial branch.

    All statements in advance of anyone viewing the tape. If the tape is requested, the prosecuter is explicitly ordered to pursue all perjury charges plausible.

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