11 thoughts on “Palin In Ascendance”

  1. To put it mildly, I’m no fan of Beck’s, and his rhetoric has given liberals plenty of fodder to paint the right as extreme and incendiary. ”

    I think extreme and incediary is just what the cause of liberty needs at this point.

  2. From the article…

    Who’s short on policy muscle — the White House or Palin? Does “engagement” of despots, Israel-bashing, and capitulation to Russia make for a meaty foreign-policy agenda? Go read a Palin foreign-policy address or two. Plenty of meat and common sense there.

    Wow, they smashed Hillary’s face in the dirt with that comment, whether they intended to or not. Wasn’t Hillary supposed to be the ultimate personification in modern feminism?

    I don’t think Hillary will be able to dodge her support of the policy decisions provided in that paragraph if she ever faces Palin in a Presidential election. Either she supports those policies or, even worse, she is putting her personal ambitions above the interests of the US by serving as Secretary of State and being willing to let Obama auger in spectacularly.

  3. Palin does good when her remarks are prepared in advance. When she speaks off the cuff, she has a strange syntax. Give her ten years and she could be ready for higher office.

    Beck’s rhetoric doesn’t really sound all that extreme. He usually just diagrams the relationships between Liberals on a chalkboard. Oh noes.

  4. Palin: China’s military buildup raises concerns from Delhi to Tokyo because it has taken place in the absence of any discernible external threat.

    In particular it seems they want to neutralize our carriers with missiles and carriers of their own. They’ve moved into second position, past Japan, economically. Once they feel secure enough they will start to take us on, and not just with fighter pilots buzzing our aircraft. It will probably start small in some out of the way place and build from there. I suspect more border disputes with India before Taiwan. They will expect us to continue to back down from their encroachments.

    Russia is already doing as much with regard to arctic oil.

  5. Given Obama’s own penchant for sounding better with a teleprompter (prepared remarks), how many more years should he have waited before being ready for higher office?

  6. “When she speaks off the cuff, she has a strange syntax. Give her ten years and she could be ready for higher office.”

    Unlike, say, the present occupant of the White House?

  7. When she speaks off the cuff, she has a strange syntax

    Even prepared I have difficulty following her. I recommend always reading the text. She’s a totally different (smarter) person. I was amazed how right she was during the Gibson interview… a total reverse of how she was represented (which later I found to be intentional by good ol’ charlie. They know how to frame a message to make a person look bad.)

  8. I think that it has become clear that feminists hate her so viciously because she doesn’t sound like she went to an elite east coast prep school. Feminists are bigots against women with twangs, cause it proves you don’t have to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to attend a snobby school, be molested by dorm lesbians to be seen as PC, get a meaningless degree in womens studies, and work for crap pay at some progressive nonprofit, to become an assertive female leader.

  9. I think some of the Palin hatred is rooted in East Coast Ivy League snobbery. She isn’t one of them and therefore she is:

    a) stupid (obviously since she didn’t go to an Ivy League school)
    b) unqualified (even though she had more executive experience than Obama, Biden, and McCain combined)

    As for the feminist hatred, it’s because Palin’s views are outside of their little glass box of what is acceptable. She’s not for abortion. She didn’t abort Trig when she learned he’d have Down’s. That alone is enough to disqualify her in a feminist’s eyes. That Palin worked her way up from housewife to mayor to governor without Ivy League credentials and “correct” feminist views just adds fuel to their hatred. In the eyes of the liberals, Palin not only needed to be defeated, she must be destroyed.

    And that’s precisely why millions of Americans love her.

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