13 thoughts on “I’ll Bet The President Agrees”

  1. Well, at least he’s honest about it. One of the beneficial side-effects of the Obama presidency is how much more forthright the State-shtuppers are about their dictatorial proclivities.

  2. One of the beneficial side-effects of the Obama presidency is how much more forthright the State-shtuppers are about their dictatorial proclivities.

    Indeed. I’ve seen some hints here and there that we might see a significant Clintonian “the era of big government is over” shift after November. But at this point it’s only light chatter. They still appear clueless.

  3. I’m still shocked at how open some people have become about their support of practically unlimited government and socialism. It’s bad enough at the official level, but what you hear from the rank-and-file on the left is incredibly disturbing.

    Worldviews aside, how can leftists be so nonchalant about uncontrolled power? Weren’t they concerned about it when Bush was at the helm? I don’t get this fundamental lack of understanding of the inherent dangers of Leviathan.

  4. “Worldviews aside, how can leftists be so nonchalant about uncontrolled power?”

    Because they actually get off at the thought of it? Just a thought.

    ” Weren’t they concerned about it when Bush was at the helm? ”

    Not just Bush but every Republican president of my adulthood, with the possible exception of Bush Senior. It gets ludicrous. A friend of mine even heard a speaker at a convention of the New York State Liberal Party denounce the tyranny of “the [Gerald] Ford regime.” That’s right: “the Gerald Ford regime!” Someone else I know, hearing in 1979 that I kind of liked Ronald Reagan, predicted that if Reagan became president there would be a fascist dictatorship– which, given what a statist this guy was, you’d think he’d support.

    In short, when a Reoublican becomes president, or seems likely to, the “liberals” become raging pseudo-libertarian–all the while advocating a bigger and more powerful State. Logical cionsistency is not their strong point.

    As William Buckley twitted the “liberals” when they were all claiming Nixon was a fascist-dictator-in-the-making, “Then surely we should encourage, rather than discourage, the private traffic in firearms? I for one want to have a well-stocked armory when the storm trooper comes knocking at my door.” All the pseudo-libertarian “liberals” I have known have been gun-grabbers, too. I suspect that, being sort of wimpy, , they fantasize about being heroic Resistance fighters out of a Warner Brothers 1940s movie–armed, I suppose, with love beads and granola.

    “I don’t get this fundamental lack of understanding of the inherent dangers of Leviathan.”

    They think they will be in charge of Leviathan. But Leviathan eats its own.

    *Because they actually get off on the thought of it? Just a thought.–B

  5. I don’t think most of the rank and file “get off” on government power and forcing others to do things though obviously there’s a large subset who do (for example, the “you’ll be up against the wall when the revolution comes” people). Rather my guess is that they think everyone will come to their obviously superior point of view and we’ll stop electing non-liberal presidents. Somehow we haven’t managed that trick yet.

    Anyway, my take is that the belief system attracts the people who are already confident that their opinions, beliefs, and wild guesses are better than the hoi polloi. The belief system naturally appeals to the desire to be special or elite. I think we’d all like to some degree to be special and important. It’s no surprise to me that people would try to be special by recycling and voting for the nice guy with the pink unicorns and rainbows. It’s a lot less work than actual work.

    I think it also contributes to the disrespect that many of them have for people who actually have become important through hard work (such as running a successful business). Such achievements puts their weak efforts to shame.

  6. The fact a politician can make the statement “It’s a free country. I wish it weren’t.” and still have a career tells me all I need to know about what is wrong with this country.

  7. I’m amazed that in my conscious lifetime (ages 12 or so, to my mid-fifties) we’ve gone from being scared to death of Communism, gotten through the Cold War (I am a proud Cold Warrior) survived the Cold War, dissolved the Iron Curtain, saw the dissolution of the Soviet System, only to find out that somehow, we actually lost (the final battle was Nov 2008).

    You might disagree.

    But if we didn’t lose, how in the flying hell did we get THIS Administration, and so many major, well known players, like Gub’ner Patrick, into places of importance and POWER? And they are as interested in power and control as any high placed Soviet Commissar or Soviet Premier ever was.
    I was sitting in a nationally known burger place about 6 months ago or so, it was still chilly spring weather. I was out, on a Saturday morning with my 5 and 12 y/o grandsons eating breakfast. I didn’t realize that my jacket had slipped over the top of my pistol.

    Some 20 something, all too obvious tree hugger college kid, wearing on of those stupid Peruvian Indian winter hats with the ear flaps, and a North Face fleece coat, decide that I needed the benefit of his opinion.

    He loudly began berating me for carrying a DEADLY WEAPON in the presence of “polite people and impressionable children”. He then made the fatal mistake giving me the old, “you’ll be up against the wall when the revolution comes”, line.

    If I’d been sans grandsons I’d have told him to go EFF himself and finished eating. But that stuff invariably gets back to Grandma via the little ones, and then guns or not I’M in hot aqua at home. So I just stood up and asked him if he wanted to go outside, AWAY from the kids so we could talk man to man.

    He turned very pasty pale, and declined. So I decided to lambast him there, in Ronald’s Arched Dinery, hell he started it!. I just asked,

    “Lad, just how much snappy reparte’ and leftist college professor rhetoric, spouted by just how many of your idiotarian colleagues do you think it will take to defeat the 15 rounds of ammunition in my gun? And are YOU willing to take ONE of those rounds, a possibly fatal shot, at probably very close quarters, to get me to that wall of yours? I’m not a great shot outside 50 feet, so I’ll wait here for you to get that close.”

    “Are you headed out here and NOW to get 30 or 40 of your buddies to help? Or does the revolution start next week, next month or next year? I need to schedule it. I’ve got bowling on Thursday nights.”

    He kind of got paler, which seemed impossible.

    “I think you’ll need at least 40 friends lad, because I have a second magazine, with 15 more rounds, hung on the OTHER side of my belt. And when I’m done with that, I’ve got a sharp knife in my pocket that I intend to use to protect myself.”

    He told me I’d just proved that I was a lout and a blowhard by using so much false bravado.

    “It’s not false partner, if you lay hand on my, or touch one of these kids I’ll blow your MFing head outta that stupid MFing hat!! You’ve threatened ME, with being put “against the wall”, that’s an obvious threat of execution, but you don’t even have a GDed spork in your hand to carry out your threat! That is the definition of false bravado, you have no MFing way to carry of your threat, it’s hollow, FALSE. Further, you little snot, you’re the blowhard, you’ve disrupted everyone’s breakfast and accosted a person you don’t even know, over something that is NONE of your GDed business, that is harming no one! You need to leave boy, before I get really mad and hurt you in self defense.”

    He got all flustered and sputtered something and walked away.

    I apologized to everyone, I did cuss and carry on, I know I was wrong, and I just sat back down.

    On his way out, an older gentlemen I’ve seen in this place a number of times, stopped and told me he “missed the days when you could just slap the little, mouthy turds who do things like this”.

    I’m with him.

    ( I wasn’t home 10 minuted before Grandma was on my butt about cursing and using the “F word” around the boys… someday I’ll figure out which one of them it is who rats me out…and he did after I let them both have sausage and pancakes with a COKE for breakfast)

  8. someday I’ll figure out which one of them it is who rats me out

    It may not be deliberate or conscious:

    “Wow, Grandma, you should have seen Grandpa ride down that MFing little snot at breakfast!”

    “Billy! Where did you learn such vile language?”

    “That’s what Grandpa called him.”

  9. Does anyone have a link to the video of the anti-Obama protester and the cop from a couple of years ago? The one where the protester said something to the effect that “I though this was a free country” and the cop replied with “not anymore”? I can’t find it, but it seems particularly apposite.

  10. Commenting on the “Is Obama a Muslim?” question Glenn Reynolds (Instapundit) wrote something that seems to me appropros this discussion. Dave Kopel had written that just because Obama had attached himself to a weird variation on Christianity (Rev. Wright/Black Liberation Theology) doesn’t mean he is not a Christian. Kopel pointed out that in the antebellum South many of the clergy defended slavery on religious grounds, but were still sincere Christians. Instapundit commented:

    “And — to take things beyond the Obama question — on a similar moral plane. In fact, if you look at a Marxist Utopia — say, Cuba — what you’ll see is basically a plantation. At the top, you’ve got the Massa and his family — Fidel, Raul, et al. — followed by various layers of overseers — the Communist Party apparat, the secret police — and House Negroes — e.g., the state-controlled media — all living off the surplus labor of the Field Negroes, whose produce is disposed of not according to their own desires (that would be capitalism!) but according to their betters’. This, we’re told, is for the best, since they aren’t smart enough to make their own decisions anyway, and the Massa looks after them with food, housing, and health care. Slaveholders even defended their system as more humane and less exploitative than atomistic capitalism, conveniently ignoring the role of the lash, just as apologists for Marxism conveniently ignore the role of the gulag.”

    I see parallels between Reynolds’ description of Castro’s Cuba and ObamaNation: both as it is (the MSM and the “Uncle Dave” ObamaCons playing the role of House Negroes) and as it wants to be. Of course, ObamaNation and its fellow travellers and apologists might protest being compared to a dicatorship; but since this crew came out of the New Left, which openly admired Communist dictators, why should they protest? It is not, after all, that shocking to see Obama supporters wearing Che t-shirts; and now that more of them are coming out of the closet when it comes to dictatorship, they have even less reason to protest. They clearly want to be Massa.

    Finally, re Reynold’s comments on the apologists for slavery in the South, it has long occurred to me that today’s statist pseudo-liberals often sound very much like George Fitzhugh’s CANNIBALS ALL, a very Marxist-sounding defense of Southern chattel slavery. One Thomas Frank column that I read was written as if Mr. Frank were channelling Fitzhugh. The conservative satirist Frank J. Fleming also noticed, and did this satirical column about it:


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