The First Kiss And Tell

Rattner rats out Obama:

– Rattner describes presidential political adviser David Axelrod coming to car meetings armed with poll data to support the takeover and Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel identify Congressmen in whose districts large Chrysler facilities were located.

– “[Obama’s economic team] veered dangerously close to having the government take control of the two most troubled banks, Bank of America and Citigroup.”

Rats will be rats.

5 thoughts on “The First Kiss And Tell”

  1. The gossip book excerpt I found interesting is how Rahm treated Tim Geithner like a male 3-year-old being taken to a public restroom.

  2. Wasn’t cronyism bad when Bush was President? How many people on the President’s staff are from Chicago?

  3. Obambi did have one valid point about the car companies. WHY CAN’T THEY MAKE A COROLLA? Very unusual of him.

  4. The next time Rahm pokes his finger in some congreffcritter’s chest, please, please for the love of god knock him on his ^(##!&*#$ @$$, please? I’d love to but I’ll never get within miles of him.

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