13 thoughts on “Project M”

  1. (…oh, great…now I have the voice of Will Smith going through my head…flying the space ship in ‘Independence Day’…”I have GOT to GET me ONE OF THESE”…)

  2. Is RR-1 a reference to Rocket Racing by any chance? If so, it’s not obvious what the relationship is. If not, what does RR-1 refer to?

  3. I like the test flight sequence. Launch with tether, oops, adjust, fly again.

    This is one of the great advances in commercial rocketry. The ability to respond to a situation and still go for flight the same day once parameters have been adjusted. SpaceX did it this for their June launch, and it may become the norm, outside of actual failures of electronics that require replacement before launch of course.

    Well done Armadillo Team!

  4. Der Schtumpy Said at 1:27 pm:

    I seem to keep forgetting (just yesterday in fact) where my wife and I picked up “…this time without the oops.” so I thank you for bringing the scene up on the memory screen. 🙂

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