7 thoughts on “The Ten Best Jobs”

  1. I’ve wanted to design moon and asteroid colonies since I was around 9 years old. Now I’d settle to be a space gas station owner.

  2. Fusion worker? At least they now say the demand is 15 years away, unlike the 10 years it was away as far back as the 1950s.

  3. I wouldn’t consider space pilot a job of the future. It’s been around for awhile now. Then again, much of the “piloting” is automated, so perhaps they mean more of the “seat of your pants” space pilots.

    The job I really look forward to seeing is the Space Flight Attendant.

  4. OK, thought hackers, what did I think of that article?

    Close…very close, I thought horse though, not bull!!

    This article is written by the grandson of the guy who thought that by 1970 we’d all live in automated houses, and have flying cars.

  5. Re thought hacking: Christine O’Donnell could have been a contender:

    “I was in high school, how many of you didn’t hang out with questionable folks in high school? But no, There’s been no witchcraft since, if there was, Karl Rove would be a supporter.”

    I’ve had Screamin’ Jay Hawkins stuck in my head all week…I wonder…

  6. I’ll actually have to remember to use the term “thought hackers” next time somebody asks me what my PhD research was about (transcranial magnetic stimulation).

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