Why Chuck Schumer Should Be Losing

…and would be, if the press did its job properly:

Fortunately for Schumer, that article ran on page A3 of a Saturday edition, and did not become a big story. The New York press never seriously examined why a New York senator was so focused on the health of a California bank, why Schumer aired his fearful comments so publicly, or how the collapse of IndyMac aligned with the financial interests of donors to Schumer and the DSCC.

…There’s a great deal of disembodied anger at Wall Street in the public today. It is interesting how little of that anger or scrutiny is directed at the senator closest to Wall Street, whose actions, in this case, were strangely fortuitous to the bottom line of his donors.

Interesting, and infuriating.

6 thoughts on “Why Chuck Schumer Should Be Losing”

  1. Buried in the saturday edition rather than shouted from the rooftops? They probably think they deserve a Pulitzer just for publishing anything. The problem is they’re all so corrupt they would never turn on each other. Drain the swamp?… we need to nuke the swamp a dozen times over. Even if the tea party ended up replacing one group of corrupt with another, it would be an improvement if only that they weren’t as experienced in their corruption. The problem is, being inexperienced, they would be exposed and replaced by the Schumers of the world.

  2. Chuck Schumer should be losing because his head should be rotting on a pike somewhere as an example of what just men mete out to amoral opportunistic bottom-feeding parasite pond scum, and without a trachea connected to his voicebox he wouldn’t be able to say I’m Chuck Schumer and I approve this message at the end of his re-election committees latest 30-second phantasmagoria of lies.

    I can only conclude that the good voters of New York have concluded that even soulless orcs should be represented in the United States Senate, and that, nobly, they are willing to be recorded in the annals of history as more stupid than azalea plants in order to provide it.

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