But Don’t Call Them Fascists

What were they thinking? It’s amazing to see them so willing to show their true totalitarian nature so blatantly. And it’s too late to pull it, despite the attempts. That’s the magic of the Internet.

[Update a few minutes later]

A comment that Iowahawk left at the Youtube page (and reposted on his FB page):

In order for your “No Pressure” advert to have been made, I am assuming several writers pitched a professionally-prepared storyboard to a committee, detailing shot-by-shot each second of …the film. The committee approved it, along with a minimum $250,000 budget to hire actors, director, & crew. Each scene probably took 3-10 takes, and weeks of post production by special effects wizards.

At no time did a single person involved in this clusterf**k say, “hey, maybe it isn’t the best PR to air our fantasies about detonating the people who don’t agree with us into a mist of blood meat and bone fragments.”

This has got to be the biggest FAIL in the entire history of the internet. Anyone remotely associated with the production of this film should forever be banished from any public institution in the English speaking world, and immediately referred for psychiatric evaluation.

I know what my evaluation would be.

[Update a while later]

More thoughts from a James Delingpole:

With No Pressure, the environmental movement has revealed the snarling, wicked, homicidal misanthropy beneath its cloak of gentle, bunny-hugging righteousness.

Again, what were they thinking?

They were thinking something like the things these people (who were finally brought to justice) were thinking. Because they’re all children of the first totalitarian, Rousseau. It’s what the left does.

[Update a few minutes later]

Spring time for Al Gore — the eco-Anschluss.

56 thoughts on “But Don’t Call Them Fascists”

  1. Josh, when you saw Pulp Fiction for the first time, were you shocked? Did the utterly over-the-top gratuitous violence of the “You Shot Marvin!” scene make you laugh, or did you just purse your lips in disapproval, or …? DId you find yourself rooting for the hitmen, even though you knew they were scum?

  2. I didn’t know there was an intended message in Pulp Fiction. Silly me, I thought it was a movie intended to produce a profit.

    Stick with your sarcasm angle, or even your postmodernism drivel.

  3. Not that I really understand postmodernism, but as far as I can tell, Pulp Ficion is also postmodernist, in that it entertains at least two contradictory viewpoints endorsed by society simultaneously: on the one had, just about all of us believe in basic human decency, which mean all of the murders we witness are horrible unjustifiable crimes which deserve nothing but horror and contempt for the murderers. All that blood and gore should only increase those feelings. But we find ourself rooting for the well-spoken and comedic hitmen, or at the very least, we find ourselves rooting for the filmmaker, and the blood and gore and icky needle scenes and all the rest oddly serve to also amplify that. Maybe you disagre (did you like the movie?), but I think that the blood and gore is pulp fiction is quite related to the 10:10 video, regardless of the politics or lack of them.

  4. Just to be clear: I’m not saying we should root for the murderous button-pushers in 10:10. I’m just saying that the blood and guts had a dual role (comedy and horror) as they do in Pulp Fiction. And for more clarity: I think we tend to invest well-spoken characters with a sense of humor, even if they are evil, which is why Lex Luthor is more watchable than a thug. If they made Lex Luthor the protagonist instsead of superman, people would find themeselves rooting for Lex.

  5. or at the very least, we find ourselves rooting for the filmmaker

    Your “we” is a small and warped segment of society.

    did you like the movie?

    Not the 20 minutes of it I saw, which was enough.

    If they made Lex Luthor the protagonist instsead of superman, people would find themeselves rooting for Lex.

    I can envision Gene Hackman reading this thread and needing 4 extra strength excedrin by the time he gets to that.

  6. Bob, I like turning people into bloody lunch meat as much as anybody. That’s not the evil. We are living in evil times because we’ve reached a point where individual freedom gets little respect. Ownership is a relative concept. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness is incrementally denied with the stroke of a pen by gleeful little people that are doing it for the good… just not any particular persons good. We have become slaves, given just enough freedom so we don’t mind the slave collar… but stray too far and that chain will be yanked.

    This is why mass murder is very common with statism. This is why a woman can be shot in the head, while holding her child in her arms by agents of the state and hardly anyone cares. This is why Thomas can smugly say the 2nd amendment is passe, you can’t fight tanks with handguns. Well, the government couldn’t use tanks to set fire to children if people demanded it be limited to its constitutional constraints. Being against the government killing children with tanks does not make me an extremist.

    The evil is we’ve allowed ‘progressives’ to define terms while our liberty is slowly (and sometimes not so slowly) stolen away from us.

    Not willing to enthusiastically support fascism? No pressure. Kabooom.

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