6 thoughts on “I Know It’s Stiff Competition”

  1. Well, there is still Senator Arlen Specter, so I’d say no. And yeah, Specter is on his way out, but I’m doubtful Crist will make it in.

  2. While I realize it’s not likely a centrally controlled plot; could we all at least start to recognize that all these anti=liberty moles form a pattern? An intention attempt at heads we win, tails you lose? The corrupt have been working together for generations even if not formally to deprive us of life, liberty and property to such a point that those that don’t respect these rights are incredulous when some attempt to assert them.

    The argument that it’s good for the people does not entitle anyone at any time to deprive any other single individual of the rights from our constitution.

    So let’s give criminals the vote and deny it to those serving in uniform. /sarc

  3. His idiocy just concerning insurance in Florida would be an excellent roadmap for anyone looking to destroy their state or country’s insurance industry. If I lived in Florida, it would be an honor to vote against this guy.

  4. Well, I know a politician who is running for the US Senate, avoids all meaningful contact with news media, and just yesterday told a reporter trotting alongside “When I am Senator, I will explain my program.”
    Note that, not if, “When”.
    This arrogant item expects to be elected without actually answering any questions from media which is not pre-chosen by that candidate.
    This same pol is running TV ads which contain outright lies about the personal record of the other candidate, regarding issues settled long ago.

    The candidate I refer to is Sharron Angle. She is a smug religious fanatic, with a record of not even cooperating with “fellow Republicans”.

  5. Karl wrote “If I lived in Florida,”

    I do.

    ” it would be an honor to vote against this guy.”

    Oh it was, you betcha!

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