16 thoughts on “New Course On Space”

  1. including selected advance chapters from a forthcoming book by the instructor.

    Are you gonna post any of that here for us losers?

  2. Does this mean they might start sending out editorial emails that actually make sense? Nearly everything I’ve seen re: space policy from Launchspace has been Apollo cargo cult garbage.

    I’ve only taken one course from them, years ago. It wasn’t that enlightening, but perhaps that was just because of the particular class and not necessarily representative of all Launchspace courses.

    Any idea when you’re going to start offering your course? I didn’t find anything schedule wise on the website.

  3. I think that LaunchSpace’s editorials are driven by a desire to market their courses, and have no particular bent beyond that. I’ll be doing one myself for that purpose, perhaps on the anniversary of Apollo 17.

    They schedule courses when they accumulate sufficient demand for them in a given location (at least eight students, I think). This one was just posted today, so it will take a while to see how much interest there is.

  4. Rand,

    The summary sounds like something I would be very interested in. I am looking forward to the book. I would look to purchase it online. I would do my best to make it to the class if there were one in my neighborhood.

    Thank you.

  5. I was reading through the course outline and it just got better and better. I was thinking, “What’s wrong with Rand? This sounds pretty good.” Then came to instructor. Good on ya. I hope you make a dent in ’em.

  6. Do you see implications from one answer, as opposed to the other?

    Nothing beyond the obvious about whether there is a buyer’s or seller’s market for this kind of thing.

  7. Congratulations, Rand. Looks like a great course, and if I had my druthers attendance would be mandatory for all NASA mid to upper level employees.

    THAT would keep you busy for a few months!

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